Saturday, February 13, 2016

Parameters of RSADMINC table

One of important customizing tables in BW is table RSADMINC. The customizing of this table takes place when the BW system is setup for first time. But also during time when the system is operational some parameters need to be maintained. Also entries need to be adjusted in case of BW upgrade.

The table stores basic customizing parameters of the BW system. Depending on installation scenario of the BW system values of parameters are either populated automatically (so called Wizard-Based Basic Configuration for BW ABAP) or if it is not the case than then it is possible to perform all steps manually.

In general you can find a documentation of the table params here. On that page all params that are really needed for BW to function properly are listed. Also there on the page are listed corresponding t-codes where respective params are maintained.

General parameter

CUSTOMIZID                ID for Customizing in BW. For the BW system a value of this param is always BW. Note: 1576461 - Unable to open any Web Application from BI Launchpad

Data Warehousing Workbench related parameters

RSAWBN_HIDE_FUNC     Hide obsolete Functions of the Data Warehousing Workbench
PROTAWBSTART                        Write Log to Application Log when DWB Starts
COL_WARNING              Traffic Light Color in Monitor if Warnings Occurred

Query processing related parameters

SPLT_QRY_TAB_THR      Threshold Value for Query Split, Note: 514907 - Processing complex queries (data mart, and so on)
SPLT_DM_TAB_THR        Threshold for Splitting Data Mart Requests

Analysis Process related parameters

ANPR_SERV                   Application Server for Batch Execution of Analysis Processes
ANPR_SERVTYPE                        Type of Server

Any DB specific related parameters

DB_STATISTICS                        Let BW Generate Database Statistics

Oracle specific related parameters

ORA_LOGGING              Deactivates NOLOGGING while Building Index
ORA_PARALLEL_DEG      Degree of Parallelization during Aggregate and Index Building, Note: 544521 - Controlling the PARALLEL degree

Upload related parameters

INFOIDOCFRQ                Frequency with which status IDocs are sent
IDOCPACKSIZE              Number of Data Records per Package
MONITIMEOUT               Waiting time until traffic light status is changed in the monitor
MDMTBOOKMODE           Update method in master data maintenance

DB Connect source system upload related parameters

DBC_BWSERVER          BW Application Server (as of 6.10) settings for DB Connect customizing settings, Note: 930353 - DB Connect customizing settings
DBC_PACKSIZE             Number of Data Records per Package for DB Connect
DBC_SHOWSIZE                        Number of Data Records with Display Mode

SID generation related parameters

AUTOSID                      Automatic MD ID entry when loading transaction data
RRSITHRESHOLD         Threshold Value: Select Single -> Select for All Entries, Note: 1522691 - Performance Optimization: SID Flag Updates

Flat file format related parameters

EXCEL_ESC                    Field Delimiter for CSV Files
EXCEL_FIELDSEP                        Field separator for csv files

Authorization related parameters

USE_NEW_REPAUTH       Analysis Authorization System, Value NEW means current procedure with analysis authorizations. Note: 1369820 - Analysis authorizations: Select concept
MPRO_CHECK                Use MultiProvider Authorization Object (S_RS_MPRO)
MPRO_CHECK_QUERY     Use MultiProvider Authorization Object in Query
CUBE_CHECK_QUERY     Use Authorization Object InfoCube (Query)

“Display of Numeric Values in the Business Explorer” related parameters

RRXDATADIFF0              Display value for dividing by zero
RRXDATANOTEXIST       Display value for cells with error
RRXDATALARGE             Display value for numeric overflow
RRXDATANOAUTHOR      Display value for cells without authorization

Currency display/conversion related parameters

CURR_CONV                  Currency Conversion for External Systems
RRXDATAMIXCUR                       Display value from various currencies/units or mixed values
RRXSHOWMIXCURVAL    Display value of a cell with mixed currency
TCURF_FAKT                  Indicator: Consider TCURF Ratios in Currency Conversion, Note 531983 - TCURF factors ignored during currency translation

Quantity conversion related parameters

UOM_BUFF_SIZE                        Quantity Conversion: Setting Buffer Size Internal Tables

Hierarchies related parameters

MERGE_APPL                 Hierarchies: Merge with applications, yes/no
MERGE_AREA                 Hierarchies: Merge with InfoArea, yes/no
MERGE_IPG                   Hierarchies: Merge with IPG, yes/no
HIER_ISRCMD                Hierarchies: Use Authorization Object S_RS_ISRCM

PSA related parameters

PSAPARTSIZE                Size of PSA Partition. In case if the highest existing partition has more records than this param specifies new partition is created. Note 771191 - Copying BW objects to new tablespaces
PSA_REQUDEL               Check for Activity 06 during PSA Request Deletion

Attribute Change Run (ATR) related parameters

DELTALIMIT                 Threshold Value (0-99): Delta -> Reconstruct Aggregates, Value 0 means that all the aggregates are always reconstructed (this normally has a negative impact on performance). It is recommended that you start with a value of approximately 20%. Note: 903886 - Hierarchy and attribute change run
BLOCKSIZE                  Block Size for Building Aggregate. Size of block for ATR. If E or F table of aggregate is larger than this parameter, system does not read the source in one go, rather it divides it into blocks. The division into blocks is based on a characteristic, the value range of which is divided into intervals. The system only reads the data from such an interval from the source and writes it to the aggregate. If there is no value of the param default value is 100,000,000 valid for ORACLE. Notes: 903886 - Hierarchy and attribute change run; 646402 - Programs for checking aggregates (as of BW 3.0B SP15)
CR_MAXWAIT                Wait Time for Change Run Lock (in Minutes), Note: 825927 - The BW Changerun: CR_MAXWAIT
LOCKCR                                    Reporting Lock on Change Run. I case of huge volume of data while master data IO activation a DB commit is executed between DELETE and UPDATE operation on data if this param is set to X. This ensures that it doesn’t dump. Note: 1694993 - Consulting: Transactional logs filled during MD activation

BW Web environment related parameters

STYLE_SHEET                Style Sheet for Html Page Generation
TMPLID                         Name of the Web Template for Ad Hoc Analysis (SAP BW 3.x)
PROPERTIESID              Name of Standard Template Properties (SAP BW 3.x)
ITS                               ITS Name for URLs Created by Server for BW Web Reporting; Obsolete in 3.x and 7.x.
WEBSERVICE                 ITS Service for BW Web Reporting URLs created by the server; Obsolete in 3.x and 7.x.
WBID                            Workbook ID for the Standard Web Page; Obsolete in 3.x and 7.x.
PAGEID                         Page Name of the Standard BW Web Template; Obsolete in 3.x and 7.x.
For an overview of web reporting related params see Note: 589947 - Relevant Customizing entries in RSADMINC in Web environment

Web templates related parameters

RSER_TMPL_ID              Standard Template for Enterprise Reporting, Note: 1576461 - Unable to open any Web Application from BI Launchpad
TMPLID_BROADCAST     Standard Web Template for Broadcasting (BW 3.5), Note: 666214 - Enhancement RSADMINC - 'Standard Web Template'
TMPLID_QUERY_BR        Standard Web Template for Query Precalculation (BW 3.5)
TMPLID_DOCUMENTS     Standard Web Template for Document Browser (SAP BW 3.x)
TMPLID_BCAST              Standard Web Template for Broadcasting
TMPLID_BCAST_QUE      Standard Web Template for Query Precalculation
TMPLID_ANALYZER         Name of the Template for Ad Hoc Analysis
TMPLID_BCAST70          Standard Web Template for Broadcaster
TMPLID_BCAST_Q70      Standard Web Template for Query Precalculation
TMPLID_BCAST_REP       Standard Web Template for Report Precalculation
TEMPL_PARAM               Name of Standard Template Settings

Broadcasts related parameters

BCAST_SUPP_FOOT        Broadcasting: Suppress Footer in E-mail
BCAST_MAIL_EXP          Number of Days Until Send Requests Are Deleted

OLAP: Cache related parameters

INACTIVE                      Cross-transactional cache is deactivated
MAX_LCS_MB                 Local Cache Size
MAX_GCS_MB                Global Cache Size
PERSISTMODE               Cache Persistence Mode
FILENAME                      Flat File Name
FILENAME_SPAN             Comprehensive Flat File Name for AppServer
LIMIT                            Database Cache Limit
CLUSTER_LIMIT             Size Limit for Clustering

HANA related parameters

RS2HANA_PACKAGE       SAP HANA Content Package for HANA Views
RS2HANA_ASSIGN_TYPE            Privileges assignment type
RS2HANA_DBMS_USER_MAPPING            SAP BW user to SAP HANA user mapping option

Other parameters

Most of these parameters is not used any more in modern BW systems (7.x + versions).
SRCSYST_USER             User in source system for ALE communication
COL_NODATA                Traffic-light color in monitor if no data in source system
CHAR1000                     Thousand separator
DECIMALCHAR               Character for decimal point
GANTT_MIN_LENGTH      Length of horizontal bar in Gantt chart
MSGPOPUP                    Message Long Text As Dialog Box
MONITORASSI               Indicator for standard default starting of the wizard
SRVNAME                      Data element for MD server name
RFCOLAPDEST               RSDP: data tp encapsulating RFC destination to work with
MSASEXIST                   RSDP: Data element for storing info if MS AS2000 can be used
TECHNAME                     RSDP: Data element for technical names
LOCALBORURL               Drag & Relate (D&R) Links for BW Unifier
WP3DEST                      Destination of URL Generation Server
WEBPROTOCOL              Web Protocol for BW Web Reporting URLs Created by Server, Note: 961142 - HTTP or HTTPS protocol when you jump to a 6.40 system
ISETHUGEWHERE                       InfoSet: Limit Value for Large Where Conditions, Note: 673575 - InfoSet: Long running program - SAPSQL_STMNT_TOO_LARGE
EP50_MENU                   Hide Menu 'Publish to Enterprise Portal 5.0'
MHTML_AS_ATTACH       Send MHTML Documents by E-Mail As Attachments
ER_STYLESHEET             Stylesheet for Exception Reporting (Path in MIME Repository)
SOBI_RFC_DEST                        RFC Destination for BW Model Generation
ASYNCHR_DELETION      Asynchronous Deletion from Write-Optimized DSOs

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