Sunday, January 3, 2016

What was (is) SAP Box and what is SAP Mobile Documents?

Few years back I wrote a blog post about platform used by SAP to manage document management. That time it was called as SAPMats. In 2012 the SAPMats was replaced SAP Box. The SAP Box was in use first by SAP sales team and later deployed to larger amount of employees. Initially it was leveraging SAP Afaria technology which is a mobile device management software product. It is used to connect mobile devices (smartphones/tablets) to computers to the company network. The Afaria was originally independed company which got under SAP’s wings after many acquisitions which ended while SAP acquired Sybase. After some years of usage the SAP Box was decommissioned and its successor is SAP Mobile Documents (mDocs).

The mDocs is basically a solution for files sharing regardless of what OS platformand device user is using. It is designed for users who need to collaborate between each other’s.  A security and control of business content are taken in consideration in this solution at very large extend. Users are enabled to access from anywhere and anytime any documents that they need on any device. As just brief overview here are supported platform which user can access the documents from: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, Apple iPad and Apple iPhone, Android powered device, HTML5-enabled browsers, Windows Phone and tablet.

SAP Mobile Documents is available as on premise and also as SaaS solution in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform. The product is currently available in its version 1.0 SP05.

More information:

PS: as this is my very first post in this New Year, I wish all my readers successful and wonderful New Year of 2016!


  1. Wish you Happy New Year Martin.. you give good updates in your blog regarding SAP BW. It is very nice and I follow it.

  2. Thanks Archana for your comment. Really appreciated. Have a great year ahead!
