Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to manually implement SAP Notes

A little while ago I wrote blog post about useful report that can be leveraged while implementing several SAP Notes. With help of the report it is possible to load multiple SAP Notes corrections into the system where the t-code SNOTE can pick them up from.

I had few inquiries from readers of my previous blog. They were interesting on topic how to actually download SAP Notes corrections from SAP Service Marketplace (SMP) before they can use the report mentioned. I’m going to elaborate it in more details in this blog post. Usually it all starts at SMP.

Once the SAP Note that has a correction that needs to be implemented is found it needs to be downloaded. Usually the Notes with correction have a Download button on the Note’s screen at the SMP – in Notes application: service.sap.com/notes.

Once someone clicks on the button a new pop-up windows is opened. It informs about adding the object into basket of SAP Download Manager application.

Normally the object can be downloaded via the Download Manager. However in case there are just few objects that are being download the download can be simply done over HTTP protocol. So someone has just click on “Download Basket” button and content of the basket is displayed. From here just a simple click is needed on the particular object and browser displays dialog to save the file locally on user’s machine.

Once all objects from SAP Notes are downloaded to local machine like one above then they need to be uncompressed (usually they are in form of ZIP files). Now the report mentioned in my previous post takes place. Simple run the ZSCWN_NOTES_UPLOAD report in e.g. t-code SE38. On its selection screen enter path where the files with the Notes corrections were stored. After report ran there is a message “Files loaded” appearing in status bar of SAP GUI.

Finally t-code SNOTE is used to implement the corrections of the SAP Notes.


  1. Can you please upload here the source code, because SCN SAP has gone?

    Thank you

  2. Hi, unfortunately I do not have a source code of that report.
    I asked an author (Frank Buchholz) to put it to github as former SDN wiki is gone now. See my comment at:

