Thursday, December 17, 2015

Searching for role by given BW objects

I was recently asked by user to analyze his authorization relevant issue. He wasn’t able to run the report. My user on other hand wasn’t able to run t-codes like PFCG. I also wasn’t sure what roles he has. My aim was just simply find all roles in the system which have particular cube (on top user’s report was built) assigned.

I needed to find out a table name which stored assignment of infocube names into Authorization Object (RSINFOCUBE) values. I thought that there would be the role where the cube is restricted.

After digging into the system I found my table. It is the table AGR_1251 - Authorization data for the activity group. Here into the field LOW I entered the cube name (ZMM*) which the report was based on. As an output I got role name (Z_BW_ADMIN_EU):

Normally this is assigned in t-code PFCG -> Authorization -> Display Authorization Data -> drilldown to particular Authorization Object. However as said already I wasn’t authorized to run t-code PFCG.


  1. Thanks Err, surely access to tcode SUIM would help to solve this much faster. However I had no access to that t-code as well.
