Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to find TRFN concerned in ABAP dump?

ABAP dump is common place where monitoring team of SAP systems are talking look. Even Basis people usually observe tcode ST22 and they inform particular BW people about possible issues. So what actually we can read from the ABAP dump concerning BW failed transformation?
The ABAP dump related to failed BW transformation looks like following:

Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED


Afterwards an description of particular error follows. Main thing what we get out of it is just GP* report. It is generated report which contains whole logic of the BW transformation. The problem of the dump is that from the log that is provided we can't see what corresponding transformation is where issue occurred. This information must be lookup up. There is a table called RSTRAN which usually can be used to look up this info. The GP* report from the dump must be entered into field TRANPROG on selection screen of the table selection screen. Note that important is to remove first 2 letters "GP" from the name of the GP* report.

Here we go -> we got the transformation ID:

Now by using value in field TRANID we can look up the transformation in RSA1:

Here we go; the TRFN is found:

However this method doesn't work for all types of TRFN/loads.


  1. Hi I use other way.
    TCode SE38, enter program name - GP003N7JIY1OLOQKECVV6OYWZ0K
    and see:

    * Generated Runtime for Transformations
    * Template......: RSTRAN_MASTER_TMPL
    * TranID........: 0QQ62D9WYKYAIWML0MCWTWNA09LEMAR5 Version: 0
    * Source........: RSDS 0FI_GL_14 DEV
    * Target........: ODSO ZCFI_D2
    * Author........: RUANKOM
    * Date..........: 18.06.2015 18:07:42
    * Do not change this source !

  2. Yep, this way it is also possible. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I had a DUMP in a BW System. It was a GP* program. I did not find a entry in RSTRAN table. As ERR said I saw GP* in Tcode SE38. I could check Target (not source). It was something because I checked all transformation of Cube.

    This is the programs's header. It is different of yours.
    * Generated report : InfoCube Write
    * Template......: RSTMPLWIDTP
    * RSAUInfoCube......: Z
    * Author........:
    * Date..........:
    * Do not change this report !

    Thanks you.

  4. Hi Miquel,

    I see your GP* rep is based on template RSTMPLWIDTP. This template is used to generate GP* for update rules. I guess this flow is BW 3.x based. These update rules are not using table RSTRAN as the table was only introduced with BW 7.0.
    Have a look at the tables listed in these page as they are related to the update rules:


  5. Hi Miquel,

    I'm glad I could help a bit...

