Wednesday, January 14, 2015

SAP Web IDE – what it is?

The SAP Web IDE (or SAPWebIDE) is new development environment for SAP artefacts completely web based to cover end2end development process. It was released in mid of last year (2014).  The WebIDE is continuation of so called River RDE (Rapid Development environment). Basically simple view on the thing suggests that River RDE got renamed to SAPWebIDE.
The development artefacts which cen be developed in the SAPWebIDE are HTML5/UI5/SAPUI5/OpenUI5 applications. Also an extension and customization of SAP Fiori apps can be done in the tool.

Download SAP WebIDE:
Current version of SAPWebIDE is 1.4. it is available both on HANA cloud and also on premise. For the cloud version follow your links as per your region:  EU, AP, NA. Download the SAP WebIDE from SAP Store.

Install SAP WebIDE:
While you have downloaded zip file from a SAP Store (see link above) upzip it to local folder e.g.: C:\SAPWebIDE. Download Eclipse Orion from The Orion is a browser based IDE open source tool IDE platform written in JavaScript. Unzip the Orion into the same folder where WebIDE is located. Download Eclipse Director from Unzip it again into the same folder.

Install SAP WebIDE:
To start the tool up just first open command line and navigate to folder of your chose given in Install part. Go into the Director folder within the command line. Now run Director part with help of command similar to following one depends on your folders:
director -repository jar:file:..///!/ -installIU -destination c:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse

Finally run the Orion part starting up orion.exe from corresponding folder.

After that the SAPWebIDE is accessible by following URL: SAP Web IDE via the URL http://localhost:8080/webide/index.html

Registering user:
In order to use the tool an user needs to be created:

There we go..

Useful links:
WebIDE videos by DJ Adams

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