Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Strange entries in table RSRREPDIR - queries created directly in frontend tool

From time to time BW people need to have a look into table RSRREPDIR. The table is directory of all BW’s BEx queries. One of cases when the table needs to be checked is if there is inconsistency within the query. If it is the case then OBJSTAT flag is set to inactive. To fix this the BEx query has to be regenerated in TA RSRT.

However I want to talk about something different here in this post. Within the data in the table there may be some strange values appearing. This fact was brought to my attention within following post in the SCN forum: SAP BEx query shows "!!A" in RSRREPDIR table.

Queries that names that follows patter like !INFOCUBE or !!INFOCUBE are virtual queries and are not real query objects. This means that such a queries cannot be transported. Mostly such queries were created in frontend tools like BEx Query Analyzer by just opening particular infocube and designing the report directly in the frontend tool.

!!A mystery:
Basically it is about COMPUID and COMPID fields. There can be a values in these starting with: !!A. As it is correctly answered in the mentioned forum post – it is caused that query which starts with !!A was directly created in BEx Query Analyzer on top of multiprovider or cube. So no BEx Query Designer was used to build the query. This practice is common when we need to get some data out of the infoprovider but we do not have authorization to run BEx Query Designer e.g. in test or production environment.

$$DEFAULT mystery:
Other strange characters that may popup in the RSRREPDIR table is double $ sign ($$). These two characters are usually present in table in form: $$DEFAULT in fields COMPUID and INFOCUBE.  The $$DEFAULT is technical object which needs to be located in the table. It represents default BEx query in BW system. There are few checks performed for this object (represented by cl_rsr_supprmess=>n_c_default) in standard SAP code. Seems even several lines in the table with this value are possible in some systems. Despite the fact that there are some SAP Notes mentioning the $$DEFAULT I wasn’t able to figure out what is its purpose. Fact is that such value is there and seems it is not causing any issues in BW system.

- update on 11/08/2017 -
There are few more of mystery entries that can be found in RSRREPDIR table:

!!1 mystery:
I wasn't able to find anything special on this one. Therefore I assume it is same case as !!AA as described above.

!!I mystery:
Again I wasn't able to find anything special on this one. Seems same case as  !!AA - see above.

!!O mystery:
Entries like this seems are being produced when query is created on top of BPC objects (falling under name space '/CPMB/’).

- update on 11/03/2020 -
!@ mystery:
Seems SAP support people are able to create such a queries starting with this prefix.

!/CPMB/* mystery:
Similar to !!O mystery – falling to BPC objects name space

IP/!IP* mystery:
Also part of virtual queries - !INFOCUBE

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