Tuesday, January 28, 2014

NODIM function in BEx query formula to keep unit associated with KF

Data functions are heavily used with the formulas in BEx queries. You can achieve a lot by proper using of data functions. There is a wide variety of scenarios where they can be used.  In this post I’d like to briefly discuss of how we can use NODIM function within formula where several different units of measure are involved.
Main purpose of NODIM is to strip particular figure from unit of measure which is associated with. It syntax is follows:


Imagine we have a formula in BEx query consists of several key figures each of them having different unit. The formula can be set up in a way that NODIM function would be used to embrace each component of formula/expression. Doing this BEx Query Designer triggers following warning:

Element “formula XYZ” is not correctly defined (check the query definition) (BRAIN-206)

The correct way of how to setup this formula is to have just one NODIM functions for the component of formula which causes strike of different units. By this even system keeps correct unit associated with KF.



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