Friday, January 31, 2014

Dealing with 3.x specific DataSources in BW 7.x

3.x DataSources (R3TR ISFS) became obsolete with introduction of BW 7.0 (R3TR RSDS). New versions of BW are still supporting it. By support it is meant that BW 7.x run such a DSs emulated 3.x DataSources. However for some reasons you may need to migrate the 3.x DS to 7.x fashion. This is possible in TA RSDS->menu DataSource-> Migrate 3.x DataSource -> DataSource.

Also if you for some reason need to the change the originally 3.x DS which was migrated to 7.x back to 3.x state. This is supported by TA RSDS as well. See in menu DataSource-> Restore 3.x DataSource.
One thing that you need to be aware is that it is not possible to change/edit a 3.x DataSource directly in TA RSDS only to display it. To change the DS is only possible once transfer rule is generated fot the DS. This can be either done manually in TA RSA1 or generated in TA DSDS. In RSDS what you need to do is just to witch to Edit mode of the DS. You will be prompted to confirm the generation of transfer rule. System generates transfer structure, Persistent Staging Area and all needed corresponding DDIC objects.

For details see SAP Note:
997739 - You cannot edit a 3.x DataSource directly
936644 - 3.x DataSource:No active version displayed in UI (emulation)

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