Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tracking improvements of

Some time ago I posted a blog about new design of Well the design is not the only thing that was changed. Basically whole site was revamp with a lot of cool features. Here short list of them:

  • navigation history by so called “pills”
  • Printing/downloading documentation to PDF
  • Mobile device support
  • Full screen mode
  • URL shortcuts e.g. /erp605 /erp606
  • Web 2.0 features: feedback to pages, twitter integration, SCN integration
  • Search engine changes: federated search at with possibilities like restricting search on Solution type, Version, etc; filtering by metadata; consolidation of identical search results (Show this topic in other releases)
  • Multi language Display
I really like those changes, with them SAP is catching the latest trends in web and they really brings value for me as user of help portal.

To see whole story of features refer to following blog SAP Help Portal transformation series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Background on SAP Help Portal platform landscape and development process.

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