Monday, April 29, 2013

Deactivating SAP functionality - hierarchical pricing

There might several reasons occur why customer and SAP would want to deactivate certain functionality provided with the software. From customer perspective: if there is more than one version of same functionality (e.g. old feature being replaced by new version of same thing) customer may want to employ new version of the thing and switch off the old one. In that case there are some customizing parameters provided (e.g. in form of tables, system profile parameters etc.) by SAP to support that kind of switch. Basically in this case it is up to the customer free will which version of the same functionality want to use.
However there might be cases that SAP wants to customer pursue to disable certain functionality. This is especially in case of patent infringement. Other organizations of individuals may claim ownership of ideas/algorithms etc. used in software. That would be typical case why software vendor would do that. Recently this happened for SAP’s solution like R/3, Enterprise, ECC, CRM, SRM, GTS.  They all are using so called hierarchical access feature in pricing and pricing-related functionality build into above listed solutions. There was a court trial being held between company Versata and SAP in the matter of hierarchical access feature. As the trail has been settled so far US customer of SAP are obligated to deactivate to this functionality. Herewith SAP is providing SAP Notes which automates deactivation of the functionality.
I’m not judging who is right or wrong in this case. However it is not beneficial for customer of both parties. As per this example it is obvious how monstrous, chaotic and messy are patents proceedings are and how time consuming it takes to settle it down.

For more information review following SAP Notes:
1600482 - Hierarchical access functionality (seems to be main note)
1645516 - Deactivation of hierarchical access functionality
1645515 - Deactivation of hierarchical access functionality
1643194 - Deactivation of hierarchical access functionality
1600091 - Deactivation of hierarchical access functionality        
1599403 - Deactivation of hierarchical access functionality

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