Tuesday, February 5, 2013

ERROR text in cell of BEx reports

This issue is usually observed by users of BW reports.  You as BW developer may get this reported from the user. Therefore you have to look for reason and explanation why BW report is behaving like that. 

In general this error is raised by BW system in cases when it is not possible to determine currency/unit for particular key figure. You can observe such an error as per below examples:

Report in BEx Query Analyzer:

Report in BEx Web Analyzer (web reporting):

Report in SAP BusinessObjects Analysis:

If you have such an error your need to check why particular currency unit is not populated in you MultiProvider. E.g. mapping is missing in transformation while you loading the data.

You want to custumize your own texts for error related to reporting you can do it incsutumizing (TA SPRO) under following path:

SAP Customizing Implementation Guides -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP Business Information Warehouse -> Reporting-Relevant Settings -> General Reporting Settings in the Business Explorer -> Displaying Number Values in the Business Explorer.

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