Sunday, January 13, 2013

BS7 i2010

B7 i??? What? What this code is all about? Let’s start with explanation of BS short. BS stands for Business Suite. This is more less clear for everybody who is involved in world of SAP. BS is SAP’s flagship software solution. It basically comprises of different applications covering all the functions of organizations. By those applications are meant following: ERP (ERP as it-self is called ECC (Enterprise Core Component) with all the components like: FI, CO, SD, LO, HR, LO) followed by SCM, CRM, SRM and PLM.

Where came number 7 from? Most likely it is a version number. Yes currently we have this most actual version. However speaking about the versions it is usually tricky coming to SAP software.
SAP Business Suite has so far following version:

  • SAP Business Suite 2005 SR3 (SAP ERP 6.0 SR3, SAP CRM 5.0 SR3, SAP SRM 5.0 SR3, SAP SCM 5.0 SR3)
  • SAP Business Suite 7 (SAP ERP 6.0 EHP4, SAP CRM 7.0, SAP SRM 7.0, SAP SCM 7.0) on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 with enhancement package 1
So far all clear I assume. So what is this small in followed by version no 7? It actually stands for innovations. Therefore you can came across following more version of SAP Business Suite:
  • SAP Business Suite 7i 2010 (SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5, SAP CRM 7.0 EHP1, SAP SRM 7.0 EHP1, SAP SCM 7.0 EHP1) on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 with enhancement package 2
  • SAP Business Suite 7i 2011 (SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6, SAP CRM 7.0 EHP2, SAP SRM 7.0 EHP2, SAP SCM 7.0 EHP2) on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 with enhancement package 3
You might be curios what are those innovations within SAP Business Suite? To explore them follow shortcut link /findinnovation on SMP.
Generally speaking BS is just umbrella term for applications that are (see above) included in BS.

From technical point of view you always have to see what are versions of applications/components and what version of NetWeaver it is powered on.
Regarding “innovation” point of view BS includes all the new functionalities which are being delivered via Enhancement Package strategy.

For online documentation of Business Suite refer here.

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