Friday, December 28, 2012

Scaling factor in BO Webi

As BEx tools are slowly being faded out exploring new reporting tools from e.g. BusinessObjects portfolio becomes important. It is clear that BEx won’t go away within big bang approach. Organizations are moving towards other reporting tools slowly. One of approaches is to leverage existing BEx portfolio that was developed within companies for years. One of leveraging techniques is to base BusinessObjects reports on top of existing BEx queries. If you do so you may face difficulties using BEx features within particular BusinessObjects tools. 

One of examples is how to tackle with scaling factor set in BEx in WebI. The scaling factor is popular feature via witch you can influence of how numbers in reports are displayed. You can reuse such a queries having the scaling factor set in WebI as well. Till WebI version contained in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 you can simply display such a KPIs set in BEq in Webi. As of Feature Pack 3 for same platform version there are more possibilities available to work with scaled measures. In fact you can use the scaling factor attribute to determine the scaling value, to calculate unscaled value and so on.

On SCN there is a tutorial available which explains how to create the BEx query using a scaled measure and how to use the same to get the unscaled value.

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