Monday, December 26, 2011

Other ways of starting Process Chains

If you want or need to avoid tracking of starting process chains by transport system asking you to provide transport request number there are few possibilities available.

  1. You can trigger process chain via standard ABAP Function Module: RSPC_API_CHAIN_START. Using this FM you can start PC that is scheduled to be executed via meta chain (Start via Meta-Chain or API) and you do want to change it to direct scheduling.
  2. Starting your PC via custom ABAP report. This report would call FM mentioned in point no.1.
  3. Start PC via event. You can maintain custom event in TA SM64. The event that you created than specify into PC’s start variant.
  4. Exclude changes into PC’s start variants and PC’s processes from BW’s Transport Connection. You can customize this in RSA1->Transport Connection->Object Changeability

Full Process Chain’s API:

- Update on 05/07/2017 -
Similarly there can be a case that you need to run the PC just one time. When the PC is scheduled already and you may do not want to de-schedule it. There is an option in RSPC1 t-code in menu called Execution -> Execute synchronously. By using this function the PC will run in dialog mode. All processes within the PC are executed serially and the PC is kept scheduled.

Online documentation on this topic:

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