Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SMP: The message is currently locked - please try again in a few minutes

Recently I encounter very strange error on SDN while accessing my OSS message. I had opened message which was in Customer Action status and after I added my comment and tried either to Save message or Sent it to SAP I was getting following error:

The message is currently locked - please try again in a few minutes

Reason of having this error is pretty unknown to me. I’m sure that none of my colleagues had this message opened. So then I can only imagine two possible cases. SAP support consultant had opened it in same time when I tried to update it. Or there was some error within SMP in general.

There is nothing mentioned about this message within SAP Notes. Imagine if you are solving very urgent issue and you need to communicate to SAP in very timely manner proper functioning of SMP is crucial for you. Then encountering this issue may be very annoying…

Solution in my case was really just to wait. But I was trying to upload this for few hours until it was finally possible to upload it.

If someone from SAP Support organization by any chance comes across this blog can you update us what is going on in this issue?

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