Monday, August 1, 2011

SAP GUI: SAP Automatic Workstation Update Service (NWAWUSVC or AWUS)

This tool is part of SAP GUI family. To make it short AWUS or NWAWUSVC it is an automatic workstation update service for SAP GUI
If you are administrator responsible for deploying of SAP GUI to user’s machines you can make the automatic workstation update service available on workstations. This is done by creating a package using NWSapSetupAdmin.exe on the installation server. 

If you are user having your SAP GUI installed from installation server you can enable your GUI for such an auto-update. Enabling is done by right click on SAP Logon Pad and choosing Configure Update-Check. Here you can specify after how many mouse clicks on Logon Pad icon placed on your desk top; update will be executed.

Once automatic workstation update is installed, then the following programs will run on the workstation in the background:

NWSAPSetupUserNotificationTool.exe and NWSAPAutoWorkstationUpdateService.exe

As a user with WINDOWS administrator right you have (of course) possibility to disable those services manually via control panel.

PS: To be honest I’m not sure within which version of SAP GUI this feature has apperead. Most likely it came with version SAP GUI 7.2.

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