Wednesday, July 6, 2011

BWA – Business Warehouse Accelerator – composite post

After few other composite notes related to HANA and BW 7.3 I’m coming with another SAP technology which (even though I write about it) deserver separate composite post.

BWA formerly known as BIA is a technology for accelerating access to data in BW. Data from cubes are being indexed into different – compressed and column based form represented in form of file. From file data is being cached in memory (blades). For details see my previous post. BWA can be considered as predecessor of HANA.

BWA Support Toolkit (note 1517326, introducing blog) 

BIA Index rollup
Top 10 transactions for BWA management
The need for SAP BWA

BW - Business Warehouse Accelerator BW361 v074

- 28/09/2011 update -
BWA has reached its ultimate version. It is 7.20. As of this final version there will be only revisions comming as regular product's fixes but not new development planned for BWA. SAP's strategy to replace BWA by HANA.  
Current end dates:
End of mainstream maintenance: 31.12.2015 
End of extended maintenance: 31.12.2017

Check Product Availability Matrix for details. 

- 14/01/2012 update -
SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator is NOT Dead

1 comment:

  1. Business Warehouse accelerator is the topic which is discussed here. This is new topic which I come to know with the help of your post. I think this information really help you in your business purposes. Thanks for the post. Keep it up.
