Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SAP FTP servers

Might be that you have heard about it. Usually they are referred as sapservX servers. They are FTP server used to transfer files between customers and SAP. This is mainly for purposes of analyzing of customers issues. Here you as customer you can upload files with error description, traces, logs etc. Also SAP support can place some file for you as customer to fix some of your issues. X in sapservX represents the SAP FTP server accessible for you within the regions (in brackets physical location of server):

sapserv1: Internet via VPN
sapserv2:  no FTP access, only SNC saprouter
sapserv3: Europe and Africa (Walldorf)
sapserv4: America (San Francisco)
sapserv5: Japan (Tokyo)
sapserv6: Australia (Sydney)
sapserv7: Asia (Singapore)

For detail see following primary component on OSS:
XX-SER-NET-RCSC Remote Connection / Service Connection
Especially following notes as well:

Furthermore there is a public FTP server ftp://ftp.sap.com of SAP available as well. In contrary to all above mentioned sapservX servers this one server as anonymous access FTP. Here you can download some of SAP software that is available for free. Like SAP DB software, etc. Before miniSAP and SAP GUI was located here as well.

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