Thursday, November 4, 2010

SAP Business Technology Factory

Within some BW SAP Notes (e.g. 1125108) I noticed a term SAP Business Technology Factory. Mostly it was mentioned in case of advanced services provided by SAP in following areas:

  • BI Authorization Migration Service, consists from:
    • Migration planning (system analysis, concept adjustment, project planning)·          
    • Migration of the old BW reporting authorizations to the new BW 7.0 analysis authorizations 
    • Test and GoLive support of BW projects

This sounds quite interesting for customers. Usually I would assume that SAP has a reach of experience in these areas. Therefore could deliver such a services with high expertise.  I tried to find something more about SAP Business Technology Factory. It seems that it is organization within SAP aiming to help other arms of SAP like SAP Consulting. Apart of BW they have huge portfolio of services in other areas of business technology like:

  •  Analysis of current systems and interfaces
  •  Identification of system requirements
  •  Presentation of results, including recommendations on new updates/upgrades
  •  Quotation/project planning
  •  User workshops

Furthermore there are following particular factories:
  • Upgrade Factory
  • Unicode Factory
  • Testing Factory
  • Output Factory
  • Minimum Downtime Factory
  • Enhancement Package Factory
  • Modification Clearing Factory
  • BW Authorization Migration Factory

What is for me the most interesting is that under the SAP Business Technology Factory brand they offers standardized update/upgrade services at a fixed price. However I’m not sure if this is not valid predominantly for Germany customers. Anyway seems to me great initiative rather focusing on delivering real results than time and material consulting. 

For more information see following:

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