Friday, November 5, 2010

Overview of BW 3.x to 7.x migration possibilities per BW objects

I was curious how migration of BW features and objects from version 3.x to 7.x is supported by SAP functionalities. Especially what are the tools available (if there are any) and basically what does it takes to perform such an upgrade? 

I went through a lot of documents available on SDN and here’s the short summary of possibilities that we have in case of migrating particular BW objects within upgrade or migration projects.

Further follow-up with these materials:
Queries or Workbooks Migration - Errors and Fixes

- 06-03-2013 update –
There is a new migration cookbook available prepared by SAP aiming ot make 3.x to 7.x BW objects migration easier. Have a look into SAP Note: 1807522 - BEx 3.5 Objects Migration to BEx 7.0

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