Friday, December 25, 2009

Terms in SAP’s release strategies

Interesting in what are phases of developing software in SAP? Just read more here! SAP is defining release as state of a software component that represents an important milestone or a considerable enhancement of a software component's functionality. Release of SAP applications, SAP NetWeaver, and its enhancement packages are introduced to the market in two phases:

1.    In Restricted Shipment – So called first delivery phase. This phase starts by stated release-to-customer date. By this data software can be used in production environment. Meaning that SAP is providing support to it by issuing SAP Notes and Support Packages. Basically this phase follows by sub phase In Restricted Shipment Planned. 

Restricted Shipment phase is driven by SAP Ramp-Up program, which is process for launching new application releases into market with support and development involvement. Customer can participate in SAP Ramp-Up to be an early adopter of this software.

2.    In Unrestricted Shipment – So called second delivery phase. After completion of Rump-Up program unrestricted phase is next. This happens usually several months after the release-to-customer date. This date is called default release date. During this phase, all customers can obtain the software. This phase follows by sub phase In Unrestricted Shipment Planned.

You can observe all of those phases in SAP’s Product Availability Matrix (PAM) on OSS.

- update as of 08-01-2009 - 
For explanation of terms related to Status and delivery date of patch see this post.

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