Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SAP Chart Designer

SAP Chart Designer is a tool for defining customizing settings for the Chart Engine XMLCHART) of the IGS. You can model your new graph within this tool with all its properties and layout settings e.g. chart type, enter texts for the titles. Then you save your graph in this tool as XML file. You can now use this XML as the customizing input for your IGS chart, for example in your BSP application when using .
You can download this tool via SDN at this page.
There are two version of this tool depending on version of IGS: ChartDesigner640.exe and ChartDesigner700.exe.


  1. You can also run program GRAPHICS_GUI_CE_DEMO and save the adjusted settings as an XML file

  2. You can also run program GRAPHICS_GUI_CE_DEMO and save the customizing as an XML file
