Thursday, October 15, 2009

Where is all BW functionality hidden?

Functionality of BW backend is spread into several development packages.

Sometimes dev. package is called development class. Currently SAP BW System has its development objects (programs, tables, screens, DDIc objects, function modules, etc.) grouped in over 689 development packages. Together with SAP Basis common installation of SAP BW has about 3.756 development packages.

RS                            BW: General Business Information Warehouse                 
RSA0                          BW SAPI Maintenance and Enhancement from 2.0A              
RSA1                          Source System Metadata API (from BW 2.0A)                  
RSAC_TOOL                     Tools for Customizing Data Staging                         
RSADA                         BW Porting MaxDB                                           
RSAI                          Release-Dependent Objects for OLTP IMG                     
RSAN                          Analytical Applications: General Tools                     
RSAN_ADP                      APD - Tool - Application Adapter                           
RSAN_APD                      APD - Main Package                                         
RSAN_APD_APP                  APD - Application                                          
RSAN_APD_NODES                APD - Tool - Nodes                                         
RSAN_APD_TOOL                 APD - Tool - Main Package                                  
RSAN_CLTV                     Analytical Applications: CLTV                              
RSAN_DM_ADAPTER               Analysis Process - Data Mining Adapter - !! Language EN !! 
RSAN_IS_ADAPTER               APD - Tool - IS Service Adapter                            
RSAN_MAREO                    Analytical CRM: Direct Marketing Optimization              
RSAN_MDL                      APD - Tool - Object Model                                  
RSAN_MDLH                     APD - Tool - Object Model Header                           
RSAN_OM                       APD - Tool - Services - Serialization                      
RSAN_PR                       APD - Application - Analysis Process Designer              
RSAN_PRR                      APD - Application - Analysis Process Run (Monitor)         
RSAN_REGR                     APD: Regression                                            
RSAN_RFM                      CRM Analytics: RFM Analysis                                
RSAN_RPM                      Marketing Response Modeling                                
RSAN_RR                       APD - Tool - Result References                             
RSAN_RT                       APD - Tool - Runtime                                       
RSAN_RTR                      APD - Tool - Runtime Result Handling Layer                 
RSAN_SURV                     Analytical Applications: Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty 
RSAN_TANGO                    Analytical CRM: Assignment Optimizer                       
RSAN_TOOLS                    CRM Analytics: Tools                                       
RSAN_TOPAS                    Analytical CRM: Assignment Optimizer                       
RSAN_UT                       APD - Utility Services                                     
RSAN_UT_GENERAL               APD - Utility Services - general                           
RSAN_UT_RESULT                APD - Utility Services - Temporary Result Storage          
RSAN_UT_TYPE                  APD - Utility Services - Unified Field Metadata Handling   
RSAN_VI                       APD - Tool - Viewer Nodes - !! Language EN !!              
RSAN_WB                       APD - Tool - User Interface                                
RSAN_WBH                      APD - Tool - User Interface - Main Control                 
RSAOLTP                       OLTP Metadata <-> BW Metadata Interface                    
RSAPO                         Interface for APO                                          
RSAR                          Data import from source system                             
RSARCH                        BW Archiving                                               
RSAR_DEP                      Release-Specific RSAR Objects                              
RSAR_EN                       Outsourced englisch objects of package RSAR                
RSASEL                        Data Transfer: Selection Criteria                          
RSAT                          General tree support / lining level                        
RSAU                          Update                                                     
RSAWB                         BW: Administrator's Workbench                              
RSAWBN                        Data Warehousing Workbench                                 
RSAWBNDF                      Data Warehousing Workbench Data Flow                       
RSAWBN_OBJ                    DW Workbench: Object Implementations                       
RSAWBN_REQ                    Package For the Transport Browser                          
RSAWBN_SER                    DW Workbench Services                                      
RSAWBN_TOOLS                  DW Workbench: Own Tools                                    
RSAY                          Release-Dependent with Seperate Versions f. 3.1I, 4.X u. 6.X
RSB                           Business Information Warehouse: Data Marts                 
RSBAPI                        BAPIs from the Business Information Warehouse              
RSBATCH                       Batch Manager for BW                                       
RSBCMD                        Data Transfer Process: Commands                            
RSBIUSG                       RSBIUSG                                                    
RSBK                          Data Transfer Process: Kernel Objects                      
RSBM                          Data Transfer Process: Log and Monitor                     
RSBO                          Open Hub - Maintenance and Execution                       
RSBOLAP                       Data Access Layer for Consumers                            
RSBOLAP_BICS_CONSUMER         Services for Java Consumer Services                        
RSBOLAP_BICS_EXITS            Exit for BIC's                                             
RSBOLAP_BICS_ITEM_EXIT        Package for ITEM Exits                                     
RSBOLAP_BICS_PROVIDER         BICS Provider                                              
RSBOLAP_BICS_PROVIDER_VAR     Variables in BI Consumer Services                          
RSBOLAP_GENERAL               Contains general objects for RSBOLAP                       
RSBOLAP_QUERY_VIEW            Query Navigational State                                   
RSBOLAP_QUERY_VIEW_INTERNAL   Internal Interfaces for Query View Processing              
RSBOLAP_SELECTION_OBJECT      Selection object                                           
RSBOLAP_SELECTION_OBJECT_INT  Internal Interfaces for Selection Object                   
RSBOLAP_SELECTION_OBJECT_IOBJ Selection Object That Is Directly Based on InfoObjects     
RSBRAT                        BW Runtime Analytics Tool                                  
RSBW                          BW Component Hierarchy                                     
RSB_GUI                       Open Hub Service - GUI                                     
RSCAF                         CAF BW integration utilities                               
RSCC                          BW Customizing                                             
RSCDS                         Summarization Routines for Fact Table                      
RSCI                          Objects for Special Web Items                              
RSCNV                         Package for Metadata Remodeling                            
RSCNV_API                     Remodeling API                                             
RSCON_EW                      Early Watch Reporting for BI Content                       
RSCOPA                        SAP BW-Objects for R/3 CO-PA (Profitability Analysis)      
RSCR                          Formatted Reporting                                        
RSCRM                         BW Objects for CRM                                         
RSCRM_BAPI                    Segmentation BAPI                                          
RSCRM_INTERFACES              Interfaces for CRM                                         
RSCRM_LEGACY                  Mapping the BDS Key for Query Views to New View ID         
RSCRT                         (Near)-Real-Time Data Transfer into BW                     
RSCR_SICF                     Formatted Reporting SICF objects                           
RSCTT                         Currency Conversions in Business Information Warehouse     
RSD                           BW: General data basis                                     
RSDA                          BW Data Archiving and Near-line Storage. Core Functions    
RSDAS                         BW: Data Access Services                                   
RSDA_NEARLINE_IF_LOCAL        Local Nearline Interface for SAP BW                        
RSDA_SDB                      BW Archiving: Nearline Adapter for MaxDB                   
RSDA_TCO                      Technical Content: BW Archiving                            
RSDA_WS                       BW Archiving: Near-Line Adapter for Web Service            
RSDA_WSD                      BW Nearline Storage: Web Service Definition                
RSDB2                         BW: Porting DB2-z/OS                                       
RSDB4                         BW: Porting AS400                                          
RSDB6                         BW: Port DB6                                               
RSDB6_7EHP1                   Development EHP1 / BI 7.01 and BI 7.11                     
RSDD                          BW: Data basis data manager                                
RSDDK                         BW Aggregates                                              
RSDDMD                        Load Master Data; Delete (Copied from RSDD)                
RSDDTPS                       Polestar Integration                                       
RSDDTPS_FML                   RSDDTPS_FML                                                
RSDDTPS_HIER                  RSDDTPS_HIER                                               
RSDDTPS_PROV                  RSDDTPS_PROV                                               
RSDDTPS_SHT                   Polestar Integration                                       
RSDDTPS_UI                    RSDDTPS_UI                                                 
RSDDTREX                      TREX Aggregate                                             
RSDDTZA                       BIA ZA Maintenance Monitor and Functions                   
RSDD_STAT                     BW Statistics                                              
RSDG                          BW: Data basis generation                                  
RSDINP                        Data Entry for Demo and Prototyping                        
RSDL                          BW: DB Connect - SDK Connect                               
RSDM                          Data Mining                                                
RSDMD                         Master Data Update                                         
RSDMDD                        Delete Master Data by Package                              
RSDMMD                        Visualization of the InfoCube Data Model                   
RSDP                          MS Analysis Server Functionality, Offline                  
RSDQM                         Data Quality Management                                    
RSDRC                         Data Manager InfoProvider Read Access                      
RSDRD                         Delete Data Manager Data                                   
RSDRI                         Data Manager External Interfaces                           
RSDRI_DF                      Data Federator Facade                                      
RSDRP                         Data Manager Query Handler                                 
RSDRS                         Data Manager SQL Interface                                 
RSDRU                         Data Manager Database Utilities                            
RSDRV                         Data Manager Virtual InfoProvider                          
RSDS                          Apollo DataSource                                          
RSDSH_WP_ADDON                Add-on for Search Help Support in Drag&Relate              
RSDS_ACCESS                   Access Methods Apollo DataSource                           
RSDS_QUEUE                    BW Delta Queue for Push DataSources                        
RSDT                          BW Web Designtime                                          
RSDU_REPART                   Repartitioning of InfoProvider                             
RSD_MD                        Master Data Services in Reporting Context                  
RSEC                          BI AS Analysis Authorizations                              
RSECLOPD                      Special Revision Requirements                              
RSENQ                         Lock Manager                                               
RSEPM                         Enterpise Procurement Model Repository Objects             
RSER                          Report Designer (reserved). Also see RS_BEX_REPORT         
RSESH                         Enterprise Search: Connector to BI                         
RSEXT                         Enhancement Options in BW                                  
RSFC                          Technology for Functional Content                          
RSFC_TXT                      Texts for RSFC Transaction                                 
RSFO                          Integration of Formula Editor in Transfer/Update Rules     
RSFO_DEP                      Release-Specific RSDO Objects                              
RSFO_DEP_                     Release-Dependent Objects from Package RSFO                
RSFREQUENT_UPLOAD             Frequent data upload from source systems                   
RSGIS                         BEx GIS Server Components                                  
RSGM                          Graphical Model                                            
RSGMD                         Graphical Modeling: Data Flow Model                        
RSGRAPHICS                    BW: Classes for Network Graphics                           
RSIGS                         Functions for IGS Call                                     
RSIMG                         IMG Texts and Release Notes                                
RSINF                         BW: Porting Informix                                       
RSIO                          Maintenance of Source System Propoerties of IOs            
RSIS                          Intelligent Services Definitions                           
RSISC                         Intelligent Services Content                               
RSISD                         Intelligent Services Demo                                  
RSISP                         Intelligent Services Parameterization Components           
RSISR                         Intelligent Services Runtime                               
RSISW                         Intelligent Services Workbench                             
RSIWA                         Impact and Water Level Display - Apollo                    
RSIWP                         ILM: Connection to BW                                      
RSKS                          InfoSource 7.0                                             
RSMD                          Master Data Conversion (Alpha)                             
RSMDM_BI_INTEGRATION          Business Information Warehouse: MDM Integration            
RSMDP                         Master Data Processing                                     
RSMD_RS                       Master Data Read Services ( Value Help etc)                
RSMD_UC                       Master Data Services: Where-Used-Check                     
RSMIGR                        DB Heterogeneous Migration                                 
RSMMR                         Metamodel Repository (ABAP)                                
RSMMR_BI                      MMR BI Persistence Component (ABAP stack)                  
RSMRM_ACCR                    Accrual Models                                             
RSMRM_CORM                    Coupon Redemption Modeling                                 
RSMRM_GENERAL                 MRM: General objects                                       
RSMRM_MKTCAL                  MRM: Marketing Calendar / Gantt Charts                     
RSMSS                         Microsoft SQL Server Porting                               
RSNDI                         Interface for NDIs (SEM, CRM)                              
RSNETGRAPHIC                  Network Control BW                                         
RSO                           BW Repositiory                                             
RSOA                          BW OLTP Direct Access                                      
RSOBJS                        Object Services (Only for Blocking the Namespace)          
RSOD                          KW Document Link                                           
RSODSO                        Main Package for All RSODSO_* Packages                     
RSODSO_ACTIVATION             DataStore Object: Activation of Data                       
RSODSO_API                    APIs for DataStore Objects (Read, Write, Create, etc.)     
RSODSO_DTP                    DTP-Relevant Implementation for ODS Objects                
RSODSO_RDA                    Real-Time Data Acquisition for DataStore Objects           
RSODSO_ROLLBACK               DataStore Object: Deletion of Requests                     
RSODSO_RSDRO                  DataStore Object: 3.0/3.5 Development                      
RSODSO_RUNTIME                Runtime Measurement                                        
RSODSO_SID                    SID Generation in Context of DataStore Objects             
RSODSO_TOOLS                  Tools for DataStore Objects                                
RSODSO_UPDATE                 DataStore Object: Loading of Data                          
RSORA                         BW: Oracle Porting                                         
RSOS                          TRex Search for BW Repository Objects                      
RSP                           BW: General objects for BW reporting components            
RSPA                          BW: ABAP classes for BW reporting components               
RSPC                          Process Chains                                             
RSPC_SAPCPS                   StdDev.                                                    
RSPLF                         Planning Services Framework                                
RSPLFA                        API Framework for Planning Services                        
RSPLFB                        Planning Service Builder                                   
RSPLFC                        Services Type Planning                                     
RSPLFD                        Planning Service Type (Definition)                         
RSPLFR                        Planning Services Runtime                                  
RSPLFS                        Planning Service                                           
RSPLFU                        Utilities                                                  
RSPLPPM                       Planning Process Management                                
RSPLS                         Planning: General Services                                 
RSPLS_ALVL                    Planning: Aggregation Level                                
RSPLTC                        Technical Content for BI Planning Process Management       
RSPLW                         Planning Workbench                                         
RSPOR                         Portal Integration                                         
RSQBW                         BW-Specific Parts of the InfoSet Query                     
RSQM_UTIL_VIRT                QM Check Utilities for Component SAP_BW_VIRTUAL_COMP       
RSQVT                         SAP Query Analysis Tool                                    
RSR                           BW: General reporting processor                            
RSRB                          BW: Batch Reporting                                        
RSRB12                        Batch reporting objects in release 1.2                     
RSRB20                        Objects of Batch Reporting in Release 2.0                  
RSRD                          BW: Broadcasting                                           
RSRD_ADMIN                    Broadcasting  Administration                               
RSRD_MS                       Broadcasting - Integration in MS Office                    
RSREQARCH                     Archiving of Request - Status Management                   
RSROA                         OLAP Aggregation Engine                                    
RSROUT                        Routines                                                   
RSRQ                          BW Tools (BWT)                                             
RSRTRACE                      BW: OLAP Trace Tool                                        
RSRV                          Analysis and Repair of BW Objects                          
RSR_CACHE                     BW: Reporting Processor Cache                              
RSR_DR                        BW Interface to Drag&Relate                                
RSR_EXCEL_PRECALC             Package for Precalculation of Workbooks                    
RSR_EXCEL_RUNTIME             Excel Runtime Objects                                      
RSR_EXPLAIN                   Explain Key Figure                                         
RSR_HIER                      OLAP Hierarchy - Services                                  
RSR_HIER_THJT                 TLOGO: Temporal Hierarhcy Join - Type                      
RSR_MDX                       OLE DB for OLAP & OLAP BAPI                                
RSR_MONITOR                   Query Monitor & OLAP Services                              
RSR_PARAMETRISATION           Persistance Layer of Parametrisation objects               
RSR_QPROV                     Query provider                                             
RSR_SQL                       SQL Execution in XML for Analysis                          
RSR_THEMES                    Themes administration for BW (Analyzer, Reportdesigner)    
RSR_TRANSIENT_SOURCE          RSR_TRANSIENT_SOURCE                                       
RSR_VARIABLES                 RFC Modules for Access to the Variable Container           
RSS                           BW: General services                                       
RSSBR                         BW: Reporting Authorization Check                          
RSSBR_SMUM                    BW Authorization - Marketplace User Management Enhancement 
RSSBS                         BI AS Reporting Authorizations                             
RSSDK                         UDConnect Elements                                         
RSSEM                         SEM Connection to BW                                       
RSSF                          BW: Mobile Sales Interface                                 
RSSH                          BW: Hierarchy Processing - General                         
RSSHWD                        Web Dynpro Hierarchy Maintenance                           
RSSM                          BW: General monitoring and scheduling                      
RSSO                          Processing of Any Selections in BW                         
RSST                          BW: Test Plans                                             
RSSZ                          BW: General Services for Customer Master Data              
RSTCC                         BW Technical Content (Content)                             
RSTCC_IMG                     BW: IMG for Adminstration Cockpit                          
RSTCC_OLAP                    BI Technical Content (Content: OLAP Statistics)            
RSTCC_STATUS                  BW Technical Content (Content: Status)                     
RSTCC_WHM                     BW Technical Content (Content: WHM Statistics)             
RSTCO_UT                      BW: Utility Programs for Technical Content                 
RSTCT                         BW Technical Content (Technology)                          
RSTRAN                        Transformation                                             
RSTRAN_FOBU                   Formulas in the Transformation                             
RSTRAN_GUI                    GUI Components for Transformation Rule                     
RSTRAN_GUI_STEP               Maintenance Interfaces for Rule Steps                      
RSTRAN_R                      Transformation Runtime                                     
RSTRAN_RULE                   Rules                                                      
RSTRAN_T                      Single Rule Test                                           
RSTRAN_TMPL                   Transformation: Migration                                  
RSTRAN_VIEW                   Transformation View                                        
RSTT                          Entire Trace Tool for SAP NetWeaver 2005 (BW)              
RSTT_DB                       Trace Tool for SAP Netweaver 2005 (BW): Persistence Layer  
RSTT_ENGINE                   Trace Tool for SAP Netweaver 2005 (BW): Engine Layer       
RSTT_TRACE                    Trace Tool for SAP Netweaver 2005 (BW): Data Object Layer  
RSTT_UI                       Trace Tool for SAP Netweaver 2005 (BW): User Interface Layer
RSTT_UTIL                     Adaptation of system-dependent components during transport 
RSU0                          BW Service API: Data Transfer                              
RSU1                          BW Service API: Tools and Generic Extractors               
RSU2                          Delta Queue of Service APIs (from 4.0B)                    
RSU3                          S-API Test Objects                                         
RSU4                          SAPI Test Objects from 4.0B                                
RSU5                          Service API: Release-Dependent Objects from Basis 6.10     
RSUD                          Business Information Warehouse: Direct Access in SAP Systems
RSUM                          BW Service API: Metadata                                   
RSUOM                         Quantity Conversions in Business Information Warehouse     
RSUQ                          SAP Query: BW Extractor Connection                         
RSU_EXTRACTION_TRACING        Extraction Tracing for System Measurement                  
RSWEBRUNTIME                  Web Runtime Environment Functions                          
RSZ                           BEx query definition server                                
RSZA                          Web Query Designer                                         
RS_AA_CM                      Analytical Application CM                                  
RS_AA_CM_BW                   Analytical Application CM: CDT Extraction                  
RS_AA_WREX                    Data Retraction BW -> R/3 Retail                           
RS_AA_WRMA                    Analytical Application RMA - Retail                        
RS_AA_WRMA_BE                 AA: Interfaces between RMA Engine and BW                   
RS_AA_WRMA_RE                 Interfaces between RMA Engine and R/3                      
RS_ADOB                       Components for Adobe Template Designer Integration         
RS_ANALYTIC_MODEL             Generation and Administration of Models                    
RS_BA_RFC_INFOPROV            Bank Analyzer                                              
RS_BBS                        BW: Adjusting BBS in BW (KCBRST)                           
RS_BCT_ABAP                   Business Content Move For BC6                              
RS_BCT_AD                     BW: Content IBU Aerospace&Defense                          
RS_BCT_AFS                    BW: Content IBU Apparel and Footwear Solution.             
RS_BCT_AHD                    BW: Content AHD - Alternative Historical Data              
RS_BCT_AII                    BW Content: Auto-ID Infrastructure                         
RS_BCT_APO                    BW: Content APO (Advanced Planner and Optimizer)           
RS_BCT_APO_AA                 BW: Content APO for Analytic Composites                    
RS_BCT_APO_CDS                Content APO_CDS                                            
RS_BCT_AU                     BW: Content IBU Automotive                                 
RS_BCT_AUD                    BW: Audit Management Content                               
RS_BCT_AU_LMN                 BW: Content IBU Automotive Long Material Number            
RS_BCT_BA                     BW: Content IBU Banking                                    
RS_BCT_BALANCE_SHEET          BW: Content Balance Sheet                                  
RS_BCT_BA_ALM                 Business Content  ALM                                      
RS_BCT_BA_ALM_AA              Business Content: ALM for Analytic Composites              
RS_BCT_BA_FDB                 BW: Content: Connection of Feeder Systems to FDB           
RS_BCT_BA_IAS                 BW: Content IAS Reporting                                  
RS_BCT_BA_US                  BW: Content IBU Banking for US                             
RS_BCT_BBP                    BW: Content BBP (Business-to-Business Procurement)         
RS_BCT_BBP_AA                 BW: Content BBP for Analytical Composites                  
RS_BCT_BBP_EN                 BW: Content BBP (English)                                  
RS_BCT_BBP_EN_AA              BW: Conent BBP (English) for Analytic Composites           
RS_BCT_BE                     BW: Content BE (Billing Engine)                            
RS_BCT_BEV                    BW: Content Beverage                                       
RS_BCT_BPM_HCM                BW: Content Business Process Management HCM Integration    
RS_BCT_CATS                   BW: Content CATS (Worksheet)                               
RS_BCT_CA_CS                  BW: Content Case Management                                
RS_BCT_CB                     BW: Content Content Browser                                
RS_BCT_CBILL                  BW Content: Contract & Billing                             
RS_BCT_CCMS_CPH               BW: Content CCMS System Management Data                    
RS_BCT_CCMS_CPH_EXTRACTORS    CCMS System Management CPH Extractors                      
RS_BCT_CCMS_STAT_EXTRACTORS   Extractors for R/3- and Non-R/3-Statistics Data            
RS_BCT_CCMS_WEBAS_STAT        BW Content: Integration OF WebAs Statistics Data           
RS_BCT_CFM                    BW: Content CFM (Corporate Finance Management)             
RS_BCT_CFO                    BW: Content cFolders Analytics                             
RS_BCT_CGV_MIC                BW: Content Management of Internal Controls                
RS_BCT_CGV_MIC_AA             BW: Content Mgmt of Internal Controls for Analytic Compos. 
RS_BCT_CHEM                   BW: Content Chemical Industry                              
RS_BCT_CHEM_AA                BW: Content Chemical Industry for Analytic Composites      
RS_BCT_CI                     BW: Content Objects for Conent Integrator                  
RS_BCT_CM                     BW: Content CM (Category Management)                       
RS_BCT_CMCP                   BW Business Content Category Mangement Consumer Prod. (eng.)
RS_BCT_CMCP_AA                BW: Category Management Content for Analytic Composites    
RS_BCT_CML                    Business Content Core Banking Mortgage Loans               
RS_BCT_CO                     BW: Content CO (Controlling)                               
RS_BCT_CONTTOOLS_ABAP         ABAP Coding for Tooldevelopment                            
RS_BCT_CONTTOOLS_BI           BI CONTENT Object for development                          
RS_BCT_COPYTOOLS              BI Content Copy Tools (Queries + Views) for SAP Analytics  
RS_BCT_CO_AA                  BW: Content CO (Controlling) for Analytic Composites       
RS_BCT_CO_EN                  BW: Content CO (Controlling) - English                     
RS_BCT_CO_EN_AA               BW: Content CO (Controlling) - English for Analytical Compos
RS_BCT_CP                     BW: Content CP (Consumer Products)                         
RS_BCT_CPR                    Business Content for cProjects                             
RS_BCT_CPR_AA                 BW: cProjects Content for Analytic Composites              
RS_BCT_CP_AA                  BW: Content CP (Consumer Products) for Analytic Composites 
RS_BCT_CQM                    xApp Cost and Quotation Management                         
RS_BCT_CRM                    BW: Content CRM (Customer Relationship Management)         
RS_BCT_CRMSPA                 BW: Content CRM Sales Performance Analysis                 
RS_BCT_CRM_AA                 CRM Content for Analytic Composites                        
RS_BCT_CRM_ALERT              BW Content: Alert Integration CRM/BW                       
RS_BCT_CRM_CHM                BW Business Content for Channel Management                 
RS_BCT_CRM_CHM_AA             BI Content for Channel Management for Analytic Composites  
RS_BCT_CRM_CIC_EVENTLOG       BI Content: IC Event Log Analysis                          
RS_BCT_CRM_CMS                BW: Content Channel Management                             
RS_BCT_CRM_CXP                BI Content: Tools for CRM on Demand                        
RS_BCT_CRM_ENG                BW: CRM English Content                                    
RS_BCT_CRM_ENG_AA             BI Content in English for CRM Analytic Composites          
RS_BCT_CRM_FIN                BW: Content CRM Financing                                  
RS_BCT_CRM_IC                 BW: Content CRM Interaction Center                         
RS_BCT_CRM_ICM                BW: Content CRM Incentives and Commission Management       
RS_BCT_CRM_IC_AA              BI Cont.: CRM Interaction Center for Analytic Composites   
RS_BCT_CRM_IC_RTOM            BI Content: CRM IC Real-Time Offer Management              
RS_BCT_CRM_IOBJECT            BW: Content CRM Individual Objects                         
RS_BCT_CRM_RDL                BW: Content for CRM Rebate Due List                        
RS_BCT_CRM_SERVICE            BW: Content CRM Service                                    
RS_BCT_CRM_SERVICE_AA         BI Content for CRM Service for Analytic Composites         
RS_BCT_CRM_TSS                BW: Content for Time Stamp Analysis                        
RS_BCT_CRM_WEBUTIL            BW: Content CRM Analytics Web Reporting Utilities          
RS_BCT_CRM_WFM                BW: Content CRM Workforce Management                       
RS_BCT_CRM_WFM_AA             BI Cont.: CRM Workforce Management for Analytic Composities
RS_BCT_CROOM                  BW: Content CROOM (C-ROOM)                                 
RS_BCT_DB                     BW: Content D&B (Dun & Bradstreet)                         
RS_BCT_DEMO_DATA              BW: Content DEMO (Demo Content, partly with CSV files)     
RS_BCT_DOCUMENTATION          BW: Content - Documentation Objects                        
RS_BCT_DPE                    BW: Content DPE (Dynamic Pricing Engine)                   
RS_BCT_EACC                   BW: Content e-Accounting                                   
RS_BCT_EC                     BW: Content EC (Enterprise Controlling)                    
RS_BCT_ECM                    BW: Content Enterprise Compensation Management             
RS_BCT_EC_AA                  BI: Cont. EC (Enterprise Controlling) f. Analytic Composites
RS_BCT_EE                     BW: Content Entitlement Analytics                          
RS_BCT_EHS                    BW: Environment, Health and Safety Content                 
RS_BCT_ELBK                    BI Content: IS A&D ELogbook                               
RS_BCT_ELM                    Business Content External List Management                  
RS_BCT_EPM                    BW: Content ERP Plant Manager                              
RS_BCT_ERC                    BW Content E-Recruiting                                    
RS_BCT_ERC_AA                 BW: Content E-Recruiting for Analytic Composites           
RS_BCT_EWM                    BW Content: Extended Warehouse Management                  
RS_BCT_FC                     BW Content for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable    
RS_BCT_FC_AA                  BW Content: Cont.Accts. Rec. and Payable for Analytic Comps.
RS_BCT_FC_EN                  BW Content for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable    
RS_BCT_FI                     BW: Content FI (Financial Accounting)                      
RS_BCT_FIN_FSCM_BD            BW: Biller Direct Content                                  
RS_BCT_FIXIO                  BW: Content Fixe InfoObjects                               
RS_BCT_FI_FSCM                BW: Content Financial Supply Chain Management              
RS_BCT_FI_FSCM_AA             BI: Cont. Financial Supply Chain Mgt for Analytic Composites
RS_BCT_FI_FSCM_CDM            BI: Credit Management Content                              
RS_BCT_FI_FSCM_CLM            BW: Content Collections Management                         
RS_BCT_FI_PL                  BW: Content Financial Statement Planning                   
RS_BCT_FM                     BW: Content FM (Funds Management)                          
RS_BCT_FM_AA                  BW: FM (Funds Management) Content for Analytic Composites  
RS_BCT_FP                     BW: Content for Financial Services Business Partner        
RS_BCT_FRE                    BW: Content F&R                                            
RS_BCT_FRE_AA                 BW: Forecasting & Replenishment Content for Analytic Compos.
RS_BCT_FS                     Business Content IBU Financial Services                    
RS_BCT_FS_AA                  Business Cont. IBU Financial Services for Analyt. Composites
RS_BCT_FS_CMS                 BW: Content CMS Collateral Management                      
RS_BCT_GENERAL                BW: Content General                                        
RS_BCT_GN                     BW: Content Generic InfoObjects                            
RS_BCT_GRC_RM                 BW: Content GRC Risk Management                            
RS_BCT_HAP                    BW Business Content for Objective Setting and Appraisals   
RS_BCT_HC                     BW: Content IBU Healthcare                                 
RS_BCT_HC_AA                  BW: Content IBU Healthcare for Analytic Composites         
RS_BCT_HR_LSO                 BW Business Content for Learning Solution (HR)             
RS_BCT_HR_LSO_AA              Business Cont. for Learn. Sol. (HR) f. Analytic Composites 
RS_BCT_HR_MSS                 Business Content: HR - Manager Self-Service                
RS_BCT_HT_DRM                 BW: Content IBU HiTech - Distributor Reseller Management   
RS_BCT_ICH                    BW: Content Inventory Collaboration Hub                    
RS_BCT_ICH_AA                 BW: Content Inventory Collaboration Hub for Analytic Comp. 
RS_BCT_ICH_REWO               BW: Content Inventory Collaboration Hub - Work Order       
RS_BCT_ICM                    BW: Content for Incentive and Commission Management        
RS_BCT_IDG                    BW: Content Int. Dev. (International Development)          
RS_BCT_IM                     BW: IM Content (Investment Management)                     
RS_BCT_IMS                    BW: Content IMS - External Data Provider                   
RS_BCT_IMS_USA                BW: Content for IMS (USA)                                  
RS_BCT_INM                    BW: Content Innovation Management                          
RS_BCT_IPM                    Business Content IPM (Intellectual Property Management)    
RS_BCT_IPM_AA                 Business Cont. IPM (Intel. Prop. Manag.) f. Analyt. Compos.
RS_BCT_IS                     BW: Content IBU Insurance                                  
RS_BCT_IS_AA                  BW: Content Insurance for Analytic Composites              
RS_BCT_IS_CM                  Business Content                                           
RS_BCT_JVA                    BW: Content Joint Venture Accounting                       
RS_BCT_LES                    BW: LES Content (Logistic Execution System)                
RS_BCT_LIME                   BW: Content Lean Inventory Management Engine               
RS_BCT_LIV                    BW: Content Invoice Verification                           
RS_BCT_LO                     BW: LO Content (General Logistics)                         
RS_BCT_LOPD                   BW: Content Spanish Data Protection Law                    
RS_BCT_LOYALTY_MARKETING      BW: Content Loyalty Marketing (IBU Retail)                 
RS_BCT_LO_AB                  BW: Content LO-AB (Agency Business)                        
RS_BCT_LO_GT                  BW: Global Trade Content                                   
RS_BCT_MA                     BW: Content Marketplace                                    
RS_BCT_MDM                    BW Content: Master Data Management                         
RS_BCT_ME                     BW: IBU Media Content                                      
RS_BCT_ME_AA                  BW: Content IBU Media for Analytic Composites              
RS_BCT_MM                     BW: Content MM (Materials Management)                      
RS_BCT_MM_AA                  BW: Cont. MM (Materials Management) for Analytic Composites
RS_BCT_MM_EN                  BW: Content MM (Materials Management) - English            
RS_BCT_MM_EN_AA               Content MM (Materials Management) En. f. Analytic Composites
RS_BCT_MSP                    BW: Maintenance and Service Planning Content               
RS_BCT_NWV                    BW: Content Netweaver Voice                                
RS_BCT_OBJIS                  BW: Content Object Information System                      
RS_BCT_OI                     BW: IBU Oil&Gas Content                                    
RS_BCT_OI_AA                  BW: Content IBU Oil&Gas for Analytic Composites            
RS_BCT_OI_EP                  BW: Content IBU OIL&Gas-EP (Exploration & Production)      
RS_BCT_OI_SSR                 BW: Content IBU Oil Service Station Convenience Retailing  
RS_BCT_OI_TSW                 BW: Content IS Oil Scheduling Analytics                    
RS_BCT_ORA                    BW: Content Oracle Applications                            
RS_BCT_PA                     BW: PA Content (Personnel Administration)                  
RS_BCT_PAPF                   BW Content: Pension Fund                                   
RS_BCT_PA_AA                  BW: Content PA (Personnel Admin.) for Analytic Composites  
RS_BCT_PA_AS                  BW: Content PA (Personnel Admin.) Administrative Services  
RS_BCT_PA_EIC                 BW: Content PA Employee Interaction Center                 
RS_BCT_PCRM                   Business Content CRM SAP Portals                           
RS_BCT_PD                     BW: Content PD (xApp Product Definition)                   
RS_BCT_PE                     BW: PE Content (Training and Event Management)             
RS_BCT_PERS                   BW: Content Objects for Personalization Data               
RS_BCT_PFI                    Business Content FI SAP Portals                            
RS_BCT_PFO                    BW: Content for Portfolio Assignment                       
RS_BCT_PH                     BW: Content IBU Pharmaceuticals                            
RS_BCT_PIM                    Business Content IM SAP Portals                            
RS_BCT_PIPE_IDOCS             BW Business Content: IDocs for Pipe                        
RS_BCT_PMCS                   BW: PM/CS Content (Plant Maintenance, Customer Service)    
RS_BCT_PMCS_AA                BW: Cont. PM/CS (Plant Maintenance, Customer Service) f.A.C.
RS_BCT_PMIQ                   BW: Campus Management (CM) Content                         
RS_BCT_PMIQ_AA                BW: Content CM (Campus Management) for Analytic Composites 
RS_BCT_PMM                    Business Content MM SAP Portals                            
RS_BCT_PP                     BW: PP Content (Production)                                
RS_BCT_PPP                    Business Content PP SAP Portals                            
RS_BCT_PPP_AA                 Business Content PP SAP Portals for Analytic Composites    
RS_BCT_PP_AA                  BW: Content PP (Production) for Analytic Composites        
RS_BCT_PP_KANBAN              BW: Content PP (Production) Kanban                         
RS_BCT_PP_MAN                 BW: Content PP - Manufacturing Capacity Utilization        
RS_BCT_PP_MAN_AA              Cont PP - Manuf.Capacity Utilization f. Analytic Composites
RS_BCT_PS                     BW: PS Content (Project System)                            
RS_BCT_PSCD                   BW: Collection and Disbursement Content                    
RS_BCT_PSCD_AA                Collection and Disbursement for Analytic Composites        
RS_BCT_PSD                    Business Content SD SAP Portals                            
RS_BCT_PSD_AA                 BW: Content SD SAP Portals for Analytic Composites         
RS_BCT_PSM_BCS                BW: Content PSM - Budget Control System                    
RS_BCT_PSM_DFS                BW Content: IBU Public Sector - Defence Services           
RS_BCT_PSM_FA                 BW: Content Fund Accounting                                
RS_BCT_PSM_FMFG               BW: Content IBU PSM - Federal Government                   
RS_BCT_PSM_GM                 BW: Content PSM - Grants Management                        
RS_BCT_PSM_GM_AA              BW: Content PSM - Grants Management for Analytic Composites
RS_BCT_PSM_GTR                BW: Grantor Management Content                             
RS_BCT_PSM_GTR_AA             BW: Grantor Management Content - English - for Anal. Comp. 
RS_BCT_PSSRM                  Business Content: Procurement for Public Sector            
RS_BCT_PSSRM_CTR              Business Content: Contract Management for Public Sector    
RS_BCT_PSV                    BW: Content Professional Service                           
RS_BCT_PSV_AA                 BW: Content Professional Service for Analytic Composites   
RS_BCT_PT                     BW: Content PT (Time Management)                           
RS_BCT_PT_AA                  BW: PT Content (Time Management) for Analytic Composites   
RS_BCT_PY                     BW: Content PY (Payroll)                                   
RS_BCT_QM                     BW: Content QM/PM/CS (Qual. Man., Plant Maint., Cust. Serv.)
RS_BCT_QM_AA                  Cont. QM/PM/CS (Qual.Man., Plant Maint., Cust.Serv.)for A.C.
RS_BCT_QM_EN                  BW: Content QM/PM/CS - English                             
RS_BCT_QM_EN_AA               BW: Content QM/PM/CS - English - for Analytic Composites   
RS_BCT_RC                     BW: Content IBU Retail Campbell                            
RS_BCT_RE                     BW: RE Content (Real Estate Management)                    
RS_BCT_RETAIL                 BW: Content IBU Retail                                     
RS_BCT_RETAIL_EXAMPLES        BW: Content IBU Retail - Examples                          
RS_BCT_RETAIL_FASHION         BW Content: Retail - Fashion                               
RS_BCT_RETAIL_LEDGER          BW: Content IBU Profit Center Analytics Retail             
RS_BCT_RETAIL_MAP             BW: Content MAP                                            
RS_BCT_RETAIL_MAP_AA          BW: MAP Content for Analytic Composites                    
RS_BCT_RETAIL_POSDW           BW: Content POS Analytics                                  
RS_BCT_RETAIL_POSDW_AA        BW: POS Analytics Content for Analytic Composites          
RS_BCT_RETAIL_POSDW_EN        BW: Content POS Analytics                                  
RS_BCT_RETAIL_POSDW_IDOCS     BW: POS IDocs                                              
RS_BCT_RETAIL_STOCKL          BW: Content Retail Stock Ledger                            
RS_BCT_RE_FX                  BW: Content Flexible Real Estate Management                
RS_BCT_RPM                    Business Content: RPM (Resource & Program Management)      
RS_BCT_RPM_AA                 BW: Content Resource and Program Management f. Analytic Comp
RS_BCT_SBO                    BW: Content for SAP Business One - SAP BW Integration      
RS_BCT_SBS                    BW: Content Small Business Solution - SAP BI Integration   
RS_BCT_SBS2                   BW: Content Small Business Solution - SAP BI Integration   
RS_BCT_SCEM                   BW: Content SCEM (Supply Chain Event Management)           
RS_BCT_SCEM_EN                BW: Content Supply Chain Event Management - English        
RS_BCT_SCM                    BW: Content SCM                                            
RS_BCT_SCM_AA                 BW: Content SCM for Analytic Composites                    
RS_BCT_SCM_DC                 BW: Content Supply Chain Demand Combination                
RS_BCT_SCM_SOP                BW Content: SCM Sales & Operations Planning                
RS_BCT_SCP                    BI Content Succession Planning                             
RS_BCT_SD                     BW: Content SD (Sales and Distribution)                    
RS_BCT_SD_AA                  BW: Content SD (Sales) for Analytic Composites             
RS_BCT_SEM                    BW: Content SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management)          
RS_BCT_SEM_AA                 BI: Cont. SEM (Strategic Enterprise Mgmt) f. Analytic Comp.
RS_BCT_SEM_STATISTICS         BW: Content SEM BCS Application Monitoring                 
RS_BCT_SLL                    BW: Content for SAP Global Trade Services                  
RS_BCT_SM                     SAP Solution Manager                                       
RS_BCT_SM2                    SAP Solution Manager                                       
RS_BCT_SMD                    SAP Solution Manager - Diagnotics                          
RS_BCT_SP                     BW: IBU Service Provider Content                           
RS_BCT_SPL_COBJ               BW: Content Service Parts Logistics - Cross Objects        
RS_BCT_SPL_INB                BW: Content Service Parts Logistics - Inbound Monitor      
RS_BCT_SPL_SDPR               BW: Content Logistics - Supplier Delivery Performance Rating
RS_BCT_SPL_SFA                BW: Content Service Parts Logistics - Service Fill Monitor 
RS_BCT_SRM                    Business Content: Supplier Relationship Management         
RS_BCT_SRM_AA                 BW: Content SRM for Analytic Composites                    
RS_BCT_SRM_AP                 BW: Content for SRM Application Platform                   
RS_BCT_SRM_CM                 BW: Content for SRM Category Management                    
RS_BCT_SRM_CTR                BW: Content SRM Contract Managment                         
RS_BCT_SRM_LAC                BW: Content SRM Live Auction Cockpit                       
RS_BCT_STRUPAK                BW Content Structure Package                               
RS_BCT_TB                     Business Content for IBU Banking - Transaction Banking     
RS_BCT_TELCO                  BW: Business Content Telecommunication                     
RS_BCT_TM                     BI Content Talent Management                               
RS_BCT_TMS                    BW: Content Transport Management System (TMS)              
RS_BCT_TR                     BW: Content TR (Treasury)                                  
RS_BCT_TV                     BW: Content TV (Travel Management)                         
RS_BCT_UA_MAIN                Business Content SEM Costing Solutions                     
RS_BCT_UC                     Business Warehouse Content for SAP Utilities               
RS_BCT_UC_AA                  BW Content: IBU Utilities for Analytic Composites          
RS_BCT_UC_WA                  BW: Content for the Waste Disposal Industry                
RS_BCT_WEB                    BW: Content WEB (E-Analytics)                              
RS_BCT_WEBREP                 BW: Content WebReporting                                   
RS_BCT_WEB_AA                 BW: Content WEB (E-Analytics) for Analytic Composites      
RS_BCT_WEB_SURVEY             Content for Web Survey                                     
RS_BCT_WFD                    BW: WFD Content - Workforce Deployment                     
RS_BCT_WFM                    BW: Content Workforce Management                           
RS_BCT_WRMA                   BW: Content IBU Retail - Retail Method of Accounting       
RS_BCT_WTY                    BW: Content Warranty - English                             
RS_BCT_XA_ABAP                xA general ABAP objects                                    
RS_BCT_XIEP                   BW: Content                                                
RS_BCT_XSA_ABAP               xSA ABAP Objects                                           
RS_BCT_XSA_BI                 xSA BI Objects                                             
RS_BEX_REPORT                 Business Intelligence BEx Report                           
RS_BW_STRUPAK                 Structure Package BW Technology                            
RS_CATTS_WHM                  Interface and Test Cases for WHM CATTs                     
RS_CONTENT                    Business Information Warehouse: Content                    
RS_CONTENT_SUPPORT_TOOLS      Support Tools for Content                                  
RS_CONT_AKH                   Package for BI_CONT AKH                                    
RS_DME_AA                     Data mining engines: Association analysis                  
RS_DME_AAP                    Data Mining: Analytical Application Provider               
RS_DME_AA_OO                  Datamining - Association Engine related program objects    
RS_DME_ABC                    ABC Classification                                         
RS_DME_ABC_OO                 Datamining : ABC Engine related program objects            
RS_DME_ABC_WEB                ABC Analysis Web Interface                                 
RS_DME_BW                     BW Upload of Datamining Results (ODS, MD and Hierarchy)    
RS_DME_CL                     Data mining engines: Clustering                            
RS_DME_CL_OO                  Datamining - Clustering Related - OO Based                 
RS_DME_DMP                    Data mining engines: Provider                              
RS_DME_DMP_BAPI               Datamining - BAPI & RFC Interfaces for Third Party         
RS_DME_DMP_CUS                Customising for Engine Registration                        
RS_DME_DMP_CUS_UI             UI for Customising                                         
RS_DME_DMP_OO                 Datamining Provider - OO Based                             
RS_DME_DMP_RFC                Datamining - RFC based Objects - OO Based                  
RS_DME_DT                     Data mining engines: Decison trees                         
RS_DME_DT_OO                  Datamining - Decision Tree Related - OO Based              
RS_DME_ENG_REG                Registration of Third Party DataMIning Engine              
RS_DME_EX                     Datamining Extractor Functionality                         
RS_DME_IM_AA                  Data Mining: Associativity Analysis: IBM Intelligent Miner 
RS_DME_IM_AAP                 Data Mining: Analytical Appl. Provider on Basis of IBM IM  
RS_DME_IM_CLUS                Data Mining: Clustering using IBM Intelligent Miner        
RS_DME_IM_DMP                 Data Mining Provider for Engines of IBM Intelligent Miners 
RS_DME_IM_DT                  Data Mining: Decision-Tree-based Classification: IBM IM    
RS_DME_IM_IM4D                Data Mining: Connection of IBM Intelligent Miner for Data  
RS_DME_IM_METADATA            Data Mining: Managing Metadata for IBM IM                  
RS_DME_IM_SCORING             Data Mining: Generic Scoring using IBM Intelligent Miner   
RS_DME_IS                     Datamining - Intelligent Service - Adapters                
RS_DME_MSSQL                  Interface Between MS Analysis Services and Data Mining     
RS_DME_SC                     Data Mining Engines: Scoring                               
RS_DME_SC_APPL                Scoring: Applications                                      
RS_DME_SC_OO                  Datamining : Scoring Engine related program objects        
RS_DME_UI                     Data mining engines: User interfaces                       
RS_DME_UI_OO                  Datamining UI related - OO Based                           
RS_DTEL_LOCKED                BI: Locked Data Elements                                   
RS_FRONTEND_INIT              BW Front-End Services for Initialization                   
RS_ICBOL_READ                 Dev for IC BOL read of bex and basis queries               
RS_KAP_PSR                    Data Handling Project Status Report                        
RS_OBJECT_SERVICES            BW Object Services (RSOBJS) Open and Save                  
RS_OSP_BI_REPORT              Office Suite Program - BI report functionality             
RS_PERS                       Personalization Framework                                  
RS_PSA_DEL                    Delete PSA                                                 
RS_PSA_DEP                    Dependent Components for PSA + PSA Service                 
RS_SAPWL_BW                   SAP: Supplement for ST03N Workload Display for BW          
RS_SOBI_DT                    SOBI Design Time                                           
RS_SOBI_DT_PROXIES            Proxies of SOBI Design Time                                
RS_SOBI_DT_RT                 Templates for Extractors for SOBI Design Time              
RS_SOBI_DT_TRACE              Traceability of Model Transformation for SOBI Design Time  
RS_SOBI_DT_UI                 SOBI Design Time Dialog                                    
RS_TB                         Tool Enhancements in Transation Banking                    
RS_TCO_BEX                    Technical Content: BEX                                     
RS_TCO_BEX_3X                 Technical Content: BEX (Misc Mode)                         
RS_TCO_BEX_ADD                Technical Content BEx Enhancements                         
RS_TCO_CTT                    Technical Content: Currency Translation                    
RS_TCO_EPM                    Enterprise Procurement Model                               
RS_TCO_FC                     Technical Content: Demo Content for Features               
RS_TCO_MAIN                   Technical Content Main Package for Structuring             
RS_TCO_MAIN_IM                Technical Content: Package for Initial Mode                
RS_TCO_MAIN_MM                Technical Content: Package for Misc Mode                   
RS_TCO_MAIN_OM                Technical Content Package for Overwrite Mode               
RS_TCO_NWDEMO                 Content für NW Demo                                        
RS_TCO_OLAP_IM                Technical Content: OLAP (Initial Mode)                     
RS_TCO_OLAP_MM                Technical Content: OLAP (Misc Mode)                        
RS_TCO_OLAP_OM                Technical Content: OLAP (Overwrite Mode)                   
RS_TCO_PLF_OM                 Technical Content: Planning (Overwrite Mode)               
RS_TCO_TT                     Technical Content: Trace Tool                              
RS_TCO_UOM                    Technical Content: Quantity Conversion                     
RS_TCO_WHM                    Technical Content: WHM                                     
RS_TCT                        BW: Technical Content                                      
RS_TCT_GENERAL                BW Tool Content - General Objects                          
RS_TCT_X                      Technical Content: Variables Filled with RREX_VARIABLE_EXIT
RS_TIME                       Time Functions                                             
RS_T_BCT                      Content Extensions in Technology System                    
RS_UNIFICATION                D&R Services                                               
RS_WEB_BIITEMS                BW: Netweaver Web-Items                                    
RS_WEB_DESIGNTIME             BW Web DesignTime and Metadata as of BW Release 4.x        
RS_WEB_RUNTIME                Web Reporting Runtime                                      

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