Sunday, September 6, 2009

Remote ABAP Debugging and more

You have possibility to set User Breakpoint (formerly External Breakpoints) in ABAP backend to get into debugging mode while you invoking this code outside (e.g. via RFC or HTTP requests) of ABAP backend. Such a breakpoint is set on application server on which are you currently logged in. You will not get into debugger if your request is send to other application server in which you haven’t set break points. To obey this behavior SAP is providing transaction SRDEBUG where you can activate your User Breakpoint in all applications servers.

There is one more useful transaction called RSBREAKPOINTS via which you can manage your breakpoints. Basically this TA deals with tables: ABDBG_BPS (ABAP Debugger: Breakpoints), ABDBG_INFO (ABAP Debugger: Information on Breakpoints) and ICFATTRIB (Description of ICF Attributes (Trace/Debugging)).

Other posts with debugging topic:
SAP system behavior while debugging
Starting up ABAP debugger

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