Sunday, August 9, 2009

DDIC data classes for SAP BW’s InfoProviders tables

Within SAP BW following data class of DDIC objects are important:

DDIM           Dimension Tables in BW of InfoCubes
DFACT          Facts Table in BW of InfoCubes
DODS           ODS Tables in BW

All of those have been introduced in order to improve performance while reading/writing InfoProviders. Settings of data class are maintained in "Technical Settings -> Database storage parameters" screen of TA SE11. Data class is assigned to the database tables of the InfoCube (table RSDCUBE, RSDODSO). Notice that this assignment cannot be made by any circumstances by user, only system does this while you activate InfoProvider.

Subsequently see overview of table RSDCUBE’s fields with link to data class according BW versions:

SAP BW 2.x:
CUBESIZCAT     Size category for fact tables (BasisCube and aggregates)
DIMEDATCLS     Data class for dimension tables
DIMESIZCAT     Size category for dimension tables
AGGRDATCLS     Data class for aggregate fact tables (only aggregates)

SAP BW 3.x (parameters only affect aggregates, not the cube):
AGGRDATCLS     Data class for aggregate fact tables (only aggregates)
AGGRSIZCAT     Size category for aggregate fact tables
ADIMDATCLS     Data class for aggregate dimension tables
ADIMSIZCAT     Size category for aggregate dimension tables

Furthermore see overview of RSDODSO’s fields for DSO objects as InfoProvider with link to data class:

ODSADATCLS     Data class for table with active data of the ODS
ODSMDATCLS     Data class for table with ODS input data

To see all available data classes check table: DDART (DD: Data Class in Technical Settings)
To see all available size categories check table: DGKAT (DD: Size category in technical settings)

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