Saturday, October 25, 2008

Few interesting facts about SAP as company

Despite today’s not very optimistic times caused by financial crises worldwide and recent SAP’s announcement about behaving very costly efficient – means Big Freeze I would like to share some interesting facts about SAP. Basically SAP is world’s largest business application software company and 3rd largest independent software provider globally and…
Basis facts: //as of Jan-Jun 2008

  • 96.400+ installation of SAP software
  • 75.000+ companies run SAP
  • 51.602 SAP employees:
    • According regions:
      • EMEA: 26.563
      • APAC: 11.143
      • NAFTA: 13.896
    • According functional areas:
      • Software & Services: 6.651
      • Professional services: 14.057
      • R&D: 15.148
      • Sales & Marketing: 10.815
      • G & A: 3.367
      • Infrastructure: 1.564
  • Nationalities represented worldwide: 100
  • Nationalities represented at Walldorf: 88
  • Top 5 nationalities at Walldorf office: German, British, American, Indian, Russian
  • Average age: 37
  • Percentage of employee over 50: 5%
  • Average length of company affiliation: 5.3 years
  • Attrition rate: 1.8%
  • Percentage of women: 30%
  • Percentage of female people managers: 18%
  • Org. structure:
    • Office of the co-CEOs: H.KAGERMANN, L. APOTHEKER Bill McDermott and Jim Hagemann Snabe (as of 7th of Feb 2010)
      • Research & Breakthrough Innovation: P. ZENCKE
      • Products: no designated person as of S.AGASSI departure
      • Production:  C. HEINRICH
      • Global Service &  Support: G. OSWALD
      • Customer Solutions & Operations (CSO): L. APOTHEKER
    • Finance & Administration: W. BRANDT (CFO)
    • Human Resources & Processes: C. HEINRICH
  • 12 million users in 120+ countries
  • 1.600+ Partners
  • 180.000 SAP partner certificates
  • 10.000 developers within SAP company
  • 10 international SAP Labs (Development Sites):
    • EMEA: Germany (Walldorf), France (Sophia Antipolis), Bulgaria (Sofia, Hungary (Budapest), Israel (Ra’anana)
    • APAC: India (Bangalore), Japan (Tokyo), China (Shanghai)
    • NAFTA: USA (Palo Alto), Canada (Montreal)

Furthermore I would not forget mention few words about SAP culture. Within SAP internal there is no exact dress code introduced; it is expected that everybody is dressed mannerly. Formal dress expected within business meetings with customers and for consulting people on-site location of course. SAP is well know for employing people with strong academic backgrounds like PHDs and professors to strengthen their R&D. SAP is famous for its patents as well.

-      Update 02/13/2010 – SAP is returning to co-CEO model as Apotheker stepped down as CEO. Co-CEOs are now Bill McDermott and Jim Hagemann Snabe. See details here.

- Update 07/22/2013 - Return  back to 1 CEO structure. In May 2014 Bill McDermott will be lifted to sole CEO position while Jim Hagemann Snabe will step down as co-CEO and will serve in supervisory board.

- Update 05/04/2014 - Dr. Vishal Sikka member of SAP executive board left SAP for personal reasons. He will be replaced by Robert Enslin and Bernd Leukert in the executive board. In addition Leukert will be leading SAP global development organization.

- Update 07/07/2014 - Due to driving its global effort SAP changed its  legal form to a European Company (Societas Europaea, SE) from AG.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the cool facts. It's always interesting to learn more about what's making up those great SAP Developer Trends.
