Wednesday, April 9, 2008

SAP’s wiki initiative

History is repeating. As SAP missed an entrance of internet in second half of 90’s last century it is similar with wikis. Wiki is kind of software we can say it is improved CMS system to not only publish something on internet but to allow user’s of your site to cooperate, create their own content, organize it, makes virtual communities, discuss and even sell on the internet, etc. In area of enterprise software we are speaking of enterprise wikis. Software provider are integrating wiki functionality in their portals solutions to allow such a collaboration to communities within a companies they running their ERP systems. Enterprise wiki is bundled with security, access to any information across a company etc. SAP was not presented in this field so far. This is being changed by announcement of roadmap for “Wikis in SAP NetWeaver Portal”. It will be based on the Jive enterprise collaboration software Clearspace Jive and its wiki application - as a standard component of SAP NetWeaver Portal. For me it is quite surprising that SAP will use Clearspace since I have always thought that SDN’s wiki section is running on Atlasian’s Confluence wiki.

Clearspace’s Jive will be integrated via NW Portal’s iViews with support for portal roles. Final release is not still clearly slated until Q2 2009. For more detail see Wiki in NW Portal presentation.


  1. available only in Q2 2009

    more on portal check this site..

  2. Yes, some areas of SDN use Jive, while others use Confluence.
    An integration for Atlassian Confluence into the SAP NetWeaver Portal is available as a certified business package from HLP:
