With an increasing amount of different SAP products and its much more different versions there is a high demand for stable and all products and version accessible SAP GUI. As you are in charge of you global release and maintenance strategy of SAP GUI you might be interesting when and for which version of SAP GUI support will be over. As a first source of this kind of information is PAM (Product Availability Matrix) followed by SAPGUI section of SAP support portal (OSS). Good tip would be to search for “Updated Support Matrix SAP GUI for Windows” on OSS. In case you want to be sure about exactly your version of SAP GUI try to search for particular SAP note. As very useful SAP note I found is 147519 - Maintenance strategy / deadlines 'SAP GUI'. Just short update is saying that version 7.10 of SAP GUI will be supported till at least to end of 2011. Most used and widespread version of SAP GUI is 6.40. This version will be supported by SAP AG till 14th of October, this year. A reason is that on this date the used development environment of GUI: Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 will not be supported by Microsoft anymore.
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