Wednesday, December 5, 2007

SAP NW 2004s ABAP miniSAP, part 2 – BW customization

You have successfully installed miniSAP according guide and you got stuck because of fact that in default client 000 it is not possible to use BW functionality of miniSAP this version. In order to use BW you have to do follosing few steps.

Creation of new client: Login to client 000 with DDIC/minisap credentials and run TA SCC4. Switch to change mode by clicking on (CTRL+F4) and hit New entries button. Fill up following screen like following: e.g. client: 100.

Maintain parameter in login/system_client = your client in the instance profile or
DEFAULT.PFL as as logon client (e.g. login/system_client = 100).

Then restart SAP. Note by restart of SAP I mean restart SAP instance via SAP management console not just restart SAP GUI.

Copy new client: Login to newly created client e.g. 100 with SAP*/pass and run TA SCCL (Local Copy). Fill up field Source client with value 000; Selected Profile with value SAP_ALL and Source Client User Masters with value 000 then hit icon Start immediately. After accepting some popups you will get copying in progress status. It activity will take a while approximately 15 minutes depends on you hardware resources.

Create new user in new client: Stay in newly created client e.g. 100 with SAP*/pass and run TA SU01. Fill up some user name that you want to create in field User. Select Create icon, choose password for user etc… and Save it.

Login to new client with your new account and enjoy BW, e.g. run TA RSA1.

Logical system creation: Once you started TA RSA1 system prompts you for logical system name, here choose Create. You will get new screen in which click on New entry and enter e.g. NSP100 in field Log.System and e.g. NSP clnt 100 into field Name. Save your entry and assign some new transport request to store changes to be tracked for future transport. Then go back via F3 key or green arrow. You are back on popup where you are supposed to assign logical system. Here choose Assign button and you going to TA SCC4; double click on your new client and put your newly created logical system to field Logical system. Save it and go back via F3 or green arrow.

Replication of metadata: System shows you another popup window with question whether you like to replicate metadata; take button Replicate as well.

And… vous le vous… that’s it, you can play with BW.


  1. Thanks Sapper. It worked. Can you please tell me how to add BI content for SAP NW 2004's Minisap.

  2. hi pvmk, I didn't try to install BCT to miniSAP I think this won't be possible since miniSAP is missing some other functionality which is required for BCT. Let me know if you succeed with this :)

  3. Did you try to connect with Bex to NW7 trial version ?


  4. Hello.

    Cann't log in with SAP*/pass (SAP*/minisap also) to newly created client 100.

    No such name or password.

    Can you post screen shot with precise values for client 100 in SCC4?

    Thank you.

  5. I need to enable sap star option in profile.

  6. Same problem here, can't login on client 100 with SAP*.
    Maybe I did something wrong while Maintaining the parameter in login/system_client. Could you please be more specific on how to edit default.pfl? I tried with TA RZ10 but no luck so far.


  7. Hi,

    Can anybody please let me know that is there any trial version of Bex.


  8. Hi pvmk, there is no "trial" version of BEx, I mean as BEx is part of SAP GUI we can consider BEx is for free. Just install SAP GUI with BI tools and you will get BEx as well. BR

  9. man u r awesome ,thanks for the great help,god bless you,

  10. I have the same problem, can't login on client 100 with SAP*.
    On screen Maintaining profile the button save is disable...


  11. Me having the same problem with minisap SAP Net Weaver 7.01, there is no way to evaluate BW. I am not allowed to make a new request for assigning a logical system with bcuser in 001. When I create a new client I cannot login with SAP*. I am a newbee to sap, but I can say now why sap projects are so expensive when I have these problems by even by evaluating...

  12. Thanks a lot! Really appreciate that!
