Monday, November 19, 2007

SDN’s Mentorship program

SDN started to introduce new and new very interesting programs recently. After this September’s announcement of SDN NetWeaver Subscriptions program new program is coming called SDN mentorship program. The aim is to recognize best SAP people in particular knowledge area and then to evangelize SAP technologies within the others SDN members. Such an expert will be supported by mentor program to spread his/her knowledge within the community. Member is selected for limited time period – 1 year. Later somebody else can replace mentor while he/she is recognized by other: mentors, community members, committee from ECO, CN, PM and development. Benefits of mentoring are quite highly valuable: Invitation to SAP events, VIP Access to SAP Information, VIP Seating (TechEd, Sapphire, etc.), and maybe in future some direct access to SAP Development. So hurry up and become SAP mentor.

Some more information about this program you can find on Mark Finnern blog.

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