Sunday, September 16, 2007

Color of SAP GUI windows

I’m posting a small hint which helps to recognize in which SAP system you are connected via SAP GUI. Sometimes when you are working with several sessions in different systems and you switching between windows very often it is problem to do not get confused.
To avoid such an mistakes you can change the color of SAP GUI windows for production client screen to red color for test systems to some different color and as well some other color for development systems. Procedure to do so is following:
Log in to some SAP system in which you want to change the color via SAP GUI ->; select Customizing local layout (ALT+F12) -> Set color to system (select color) -> Save.

- update 24/06/2011 - 
Kindly notice that within new SAP Signature Design it is not possible to use functionality of GUI color change. This is due to fact that SAP Signature Design is provided with its own new color scheme. Simply it is not permitted to change any colors in this design. You have still option to change your GUI design settings in Window's Control Panel -> SAP GUI Configuration to other layouts (so called themes) like: STREAMLINE or TRADESHOW.

For further reference check following SAP notes:
1233328 - SAP Signature Design for SAP GUI for Windows

- update 03/03/2012 - 
Thanks to Anonymous contributor to discussion of this blog who pointed me to SDN's forum post solving issue of how to set GUI color for GUI 7.20. As per suggestion in this forum post:

Change color is only possible for ENJOY theme. Therefore set your GUI to this theme via Control Panel or SAP GUI Options dialog. Then logon to a particular system and via ALT+F12 -> Options -> Visual Design -> Color to System set color to system.

- update 28/11/2013 – 
There are other improvements to setting of colors to GUI within SAP GUI 73. Basically one of GUI themes – Signature Design can have color set as per user.  For details see note: 1669255 - SAP GUI 7.30: SAP Signature Theme Colors or chapter no 6 (Setting SAP Signature Theme Color) in document: SAP GUI Administration. The document is basically about configuring and administering SAP GUI for Windows but it deals with color setting as well.

At the moment you can set up different colors for different SAP systems SIDs within Enjoy and Signature themes. 


  1. Very useful, thanks!

  2. Hello,

    This is something I use to do oftenly but I have a problem. In my actual company they want to have this feature at server level.
    I explain, they want DEV, TST and PRD envoriment in diferent colors but defined they want every user has their color set defined by us.

    Did you know how we can customize this?


  3. How do you change the screen color with the new SAP Version of 7.20. Looks like the options have changed and not able to figure it out.

  4. Same with me, while running SAP GUI 7.2 I'm not able to use this functionality.

  5. Our company has SAP GUI 7.2 and the "set system to color" is no longer visible in the customzing local layout. We miss this! Has anyone figured out how to change the color yet?

  6. Hi there,

    if you are using new "SAP Signature Design" introduced in 2008 it is not possible to change colors as you were used to. This is due to fact that it has its own color scheme. If you want to use it you need to switch layout to STREAMLINE" or "TRADESHOW" designs. I'm gonna update my post as well soon.

    Regards, sapper

  7. Do you know the vision SAP has for the Signature Design? Is it going to continue to be used in all future GUI version releases? We have a lot of training material with screen shots in the "Tradeshow" theme and may have to update it all to the Signature Design Theme, but before we do, we want to ensure it's here to stay for a long while. THanks Jackie

  8. Hi Jackie,
    to be honest no idea i think you need to address this question directly to SAP. E.g. also check thier site like might be you get something useful.
    Cheers, sapper

  9. Contains the solution
