Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shai Agassi is leaving SAP AG

Yesterday on 28th of March 2007 has been announced that Shai Agassi, President of SAP's Products and Technology Group is leaving company effective April 1, 2007.

Agassi’s farewell do SAP SDN community is here.
Company official press release is here.

-update on 18/04/2007-

Shai has started blogging at his The Long Tailpipe blog.

- update on 12/05/2007-

Shai is podcasting his journey as an entrepreneur at Standford Technology Ventures Program. He describes his route to SAP and some general thoughts of startup companies.

- update on 16/05/2007-

Udi Ziv one of Agassi’s associates when they co-founded TopTier Software is leaving SAP AG as well. He founded and consolidated SAP’s Israeli development center and was responsible for its SMB unit. SMB Market seems to be very important for SAP so we'll see how this change affects SAP as itself.

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